Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Grab me the Remote

Does anyone else just hate when they put this political crap on tv?  I wouldn't mind it so much if it was only on one or two channels but all the major networks carry the things.  Do they really think that Billy Bob down at the barn wants or even cares to watch the democratic convention?  Well, guess what, I'm with Billy Bob on this one.  When this stuff comes on, I either turn on the directv or open a book.  Hell, watching grass grow is more interesting to me than watching a bunch of yuppie, lying politicians talk about how wonderful they are and lie about all the wonderful things they promise to do if elected into office.  I'll pass thank you very much.  If I wanted to be lied to, I'm sure I could find a bar with a guy in it, more than willing to lie to my face. 

Nothing much new going on.  Waiting for my interview on Friday.  Tomorrow I'm taking a drive to get the cat to the vet.  This will be the longest trip I've taken since I got my license.  It's about an hour away to her vet, so it should be an interesting drive.  Wish me luck.  LOL  Better yet, wish the drivers around me luck.  Now I have to go put all the animals back where they belong but first I have to sweep the floor and get rid of all the bird seed that they manage to throw halfway around the room. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Tick, Tick, Tick

Feeling :: Confused

Now, I'm a woman, you'd think I would be able to understand them a little better than a man would?  Right?  Apparently, the part of my brain that sorts out what females are thinking, is defected.  I'm 21 years old.  I'm young.  I should be thinking about my career, having fun and just enjoying being 21.  Right?  Then why is it that at times, I hear my biological clock ticking?  That's a noise reserved for people in their 30's and 40's... right?  I keep doing math in my head... 'ok, if I had a kid right now, it would be 10 when I was about 32... it would already be 10... Ten Year Old!!!  shouldn't I quit wasting my time and give the kid a young mother...'  And then I think things like, what if I can get pregnant now but I won't be able to in a year or two but I won't know that until I try to get pregnant and find out I can't.  Yes, we women are a strange species and we're definitely a different species from the males.  They don't worry about stupid things like that.  They just go with the flow, what happens, happens, type of thing.  Where's Dr. Phil when you need him?  LOL  There's a million ways that men and women are different and I don't think our biggest differences are strictly physical, if that was all it was, there wouldn't be a 50% divorce rate in the US.  It's weird is all.  Two people grow up in the same house hold with similar experiences, same up bringing and yet they turn out completely different, mainly because one is male and the other is female.  Ah well, I'm curious but not curious enough to go take classes on physcology and child development and behavior.  I'll just continue to wonder.  It's nice to have things out there to wonder about that you may never have an answer to.  Sometimes it's good not to know everything, as some people out there like to think they do.  Why would you want to know everything?  There would never be anything new for you.  You'd never be shocked to learn of something new because you already know it all.  What kind of life is that.  No little surprises.  I know, I'm rambling.  I'm having one of those days where my brain just goes off the deep end and doesn't seem to stop.  Anyone else have any of those days?  The days where you just seem to sit there and contimplate EVERYTHING and anything.  Your brain skips from one subject to another like you have a terrible case of ADD.  And then while you're thinking of all these things, you have some great wonderful idea... only when you're sane, later in the day, you either have no idea what the idea was or you sit there thinking, now why the hell would I have thought THAT was a good idea?  Well, that's enough thinking aloud of me today.  Everyone is fine or at least the same amount of fine that they were yesterday.  If anything changes on that end, I'll let ya'll know.  And I promise to try and stop the random rambling.  LOL

Monday, July 26, 2004


I got a good phone call today.  The vet clinic that I put an application and resume in, called for an interview!!!  I go in on Friday at 1:30.  I can't wait.  I wish she'd made the interview sooner.  It's going to kill me to wait until Friday.  I really hope I make a good impression on her and get a chance at this job.  The first interview is an informal one.  So it'll last a few minutes and my fate will be decided from that.  Talk about pressure.

The kitty is walking a lot better on that front right leg.  She's made a lot of progress in the last week.  A lot more than I expected.  It'll be so great if she fully recovers. 

We got in a few new animals at the shelter yesterday, a donkey and a horse.  They're both a little shy but you can tell they have the potential to be really sweet.  The mare may be pregnant and has a few strange growths that the vet will probably look at when he comes this week.  We'll know more about them both then.  Well, that's all for today.  I've gotta get something to eat and relax a little.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Home, Home again

The kitty came home this morning.  She's a little wobbly and can't walk real well on her right front leg but is much improved from the last time I saw her a week ago.  She has some pills I need to give to her for a few days, anti-inflammatory pills.  She goes back for a check up in a week.  The bill is between 700-800 bucks right now and we have weeks of vet visits ahead of us and still the possibility of an amputation of the right front.

I just got back from an interview at PetSmart.  I think it went extremely well.  At PetSmart they have a large first interview, with several people at once.  You all watch a video and then the manager tells you a little about PetSmart, the usual stuff.  Then you all get a quick interview.  I got the manager I was hoping to be interviewed by.  He told me I had great references and more than enough experience for the job.  I might even get the position I want and that's to work on the floor, one on one with the animals.  Otherwise it's to the cash register.  PLEASE don't put me on a register!!!  LOL  I get very flustered when it comes to handling money, especially when I have a long line.  I know those people want to get their stuff, get it paid for and go on their way.  All the while, I'm trying to give the correct change as quickly as possible.  I'd much rather be out on the floor talking to customer's than handling their money.  He said I will definitely be getting a second interview, which is cool.  I'm kind of dissapointed with Petco.  I had to do the questionnaire thing and my guess is, it didn't come back the way they wanted it to.  I don't think people should be judged by what a computer says about them.  It should be about the way they present themselves, how well they can do the job and the managers instincts on the person.  Oh well, we'll just have to see how things work out.  What will be, will be.  I'd better go now.  The kitty needs her pill and I need to give the animals their food and water for the day.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Sorry, Been busy

Well, I quit Meijer the day after my last entry.  I put in an application at both Petco and an animal hospital in Mishawaka.  Petco is hiring part time and starts out at pretty decent money.  I had an interview a few days ago at Petco and am waiting for a call back for a second interview.  Nothing yet from the vet.  About a week ago, we had an accident.  One of the cats got attacked by the dogs.  It was one of those things where everyone thought someone else was with her and it ended up that no one was.  The cat comes home tomorrow but it'll be a long time before she's one hundred percent.  We have a vet bill that is in the 600's by now.  A lot of that is from the emergency vet clinic, where she stayed for twelve hours.  The rest of the time she's been down in Plymouth, with our regular vet.  There may be some nerve damage.  It's too soon to tell yet.  She's on some anti-inflammatory drugs for swelling in her spinal column.  She can't walk real well on her front legs, hopefully that will improve with time.  It's all a wait and see type of thing.  We may have to have one of her legs amputated if it never improves.  She's having the most problems with her right front.  She keeps trying to walk on her kitty ankle instead of her foot.  I've been spending a large amount of time waiting for the phone to ring each evening.  I'll just be glad to have her home tomorrow, where I can visibly see whether she's gaining progress or not.  She'll have to live in a dog crate for a while and then in a small room for another couple of weeks.  In six to eight weeks, she'll be back at the vet, where we'll decide where to go from there, meaning, she's fully recovered or there needs to be amputation of the right front.  Well, I'm going to get off of here.  Never know when the phone is going to ring and I'll be online.

Thursday, July 8, 2004

Working Sucks

First off, I had a great time at Splash Down Dunes.  I was stupid and only put sunscreen on my face.  I'm paying for it now.  My arms are so burnt, they're almost purple.  It hurts if the tiniest thing touches it.  And of course, I had to work that night.  It was pure hell.  I think I have a pinched nerve in my lower neck.  It hurts to even move my left shoulder.  I absolutely hate this job.  It's killing me.  I called off last night.  Ended up sleeping 22 hours straight.  Yeah yeah, I know, I shouldn't have called off.  I don't really care.  I'm already looking for a new job.  Something that doesn't require the lifting I do now.  In other words, I want a nice comfy, boring desk job.  Something that doesn't make me spend half my time in a 350 degree oven and the other half of the time in the freezer.  I have yet to get my second 15 minute break, which is really starting to piss me off.  I've about had it with the girl that's training me.  I don't know how she made it there for 2 years without getting fired because she's lazy as hell and doesn't do anything except for go talk to her friends.  Tonight I'll find out whether calling off cost me my job or not.  (please please fire me!!)  I can't out and out quit because I'll get the cold shoulder from everyone I live with until I find a new job.  I'm not even going to go into all of that though.  I HATE THIS JOB!!!!!!!  I really don't know if I can make myself go again after tonight.  I'd do just about anything to get out of going.  To top it off, my heart has been acting funny again and more often than usual.  It's lovely, I tell ya.  Well, I'm going to go try and take a nap before I end up back at hell.  God, I hate that place.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Splish Splash

Work went ok the other day.  It's very fast paced, just like my boss told me it would be.  I thought my neck was going to break by the time my shift was over.  I went home and went straight to sleep.  I have another 3am till 11:30am shift tonight.  I only got to take one of my 15 minute breaks because we were so busy.  I had to go in yesterday to take some more training type classes online but when I got there, my boss wasn't there, she was at a different store.  I ended up coming home and falling asleep and never went back up there.  I don't think it was a huge deal or anything though.  I'll find out tomorrow morning when she gets in.  Today we're (me, my mom, Shawn, Jason *my brother* and his girlfriend) are all going to a water park called Splash Down Dunes.  We're going to spend the whole day there as long as it doesn't start storming too early.  I allowed Lueka to come into the bedroom last night and so far no accidents anywhere.  Let's hope it stays that way.  Well, I'm gonna go get ready to leave.  I woke up at 2am and never fell back to sleep, which is becoming the routine with me lately. 

Friday, July 2, 2004

Working Girl2

I, for some unknown reason, have days where I'm extremely emotional.  I don't know if it's the occasional lack of sleep or what.  Today is one of those days.  I keep feeling like I'm going to start crying for the dumbest reasons, which only makes me want to start laughing because I'm like, why the hell do I want to cry at that??  I only got two hours of sleep last night so that might have a little something to do with it. 

I have my first real work day tonight.  I go in at 3am and I'll be there till 11:30am.  After I get offline, I plan on sleeping the rest of the day.  My next day is Wednesday morning (Tuesday night), again at 3am.  I work three days next week, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Apparently, I was brought in to the bakery to take over for one of the girls that is moving to a new department.  I found that out when I went to cash my check last night.  One of the night shift girls told me that.  She's like, you must be the girl taking over bakery and I was like, I'm taking over what now??  Tonight and tomorrow morning should be interesting, especially since it's a holiday weekend.  I don't think I'll have to deal with many people or anything except on my way to and from the break room.  Since I get off early in the day, I won't get the rush of people that they'll see later on in the evening.  There's a part of me that wishes I'd have said that I couldn't work till next week but at least I'm getting the first day out of the way now.  Monday I'm going to try and make it to the BMV as soon as they open.  Sheesh, I just got to thinking about the next few weeks and my sleep schedule.  Tomorrow, we have a lot of shit to do.  Keep in mind, I'll be getting off work at 11am and will have had "no sleep." And then in the evening we were planning on going to Paul's or to a race up in Michigan.  Sunday, obviously, 4th of July.  Monday, the BMV and whatever else happens to come up.  Tuesday, me, my brother, my mom, my brother's gf and my bf are all going to Porter, Indiana to a water park.  And then I have three days of work.  It's going to be a busier than usual week for me.  Well, I'm going to go take my all day nap.  I'll write again when I have the energy to do so.  LOL