I've been scolded for not using large enough font sizes so I'm working on changing my ways. *grin* Our computer (for whatever stupid reason, I don't think the proper fonts were downloaded to the computer when it was set up last year) doesn't show much of a difference despite what font I use so I have no idea HOW small it can sometimes be so I'll use size 12 from now on and if anyone has trouble reading, please let me know. I don't want you to all go blind just trying to read it. lol
This weekend wasn't very much fun at all. I was very emotional all weekend and just felt crappy. BOTH of our vehicles decided they wanted to try and die at once on the SAME day. The pontiac had a spring snap but it didn't hurt the strut, unfortunately, due to the holiday weekend, we weren't able to get a new spring till today AND then NO ONE has the stupid tool that you need to take the spring on and off the strut. Eventually, Shawn called a mechanic and he's going to take the old spring off and put the new one on so that we can put it back on the car. He's going to do it for ten bucks. (he's a good mechanic, doesn't screw you over for stupid stuff and even helps you fix it yourself, he's loaned us tools before and everything) The truck is having some oil pressure "issues." We haven't decided whether the engine is going to blow (and if it's going to, there's nothing we can do because it'd be piston rings) or if the gauge is just messed up. One second we have normal pressure and the next it's past the high mark and then back down. Everything else seems normal with it, no funny sounds or new oil leaks or anything. Keep your fingers crossed that it's just the stupid gauge.
Shawn is supposed to pick Paul up at the Greyhound bus station on Wednesday at noon. Because he works nights, I've offered to do it but for whatever reason he says he'll just do it even though I KNOW I'll be awake. He's so stubborn sometimes. He plans on picking Paul up and then coming home and going to sleep. I'm sure Paul has other plans though. He likes to talk... and talk so even if Shawn says, hey I've gotta sleep for work and what not,he'll still keep talking. It'd just be so much easier if I picked him up.
Not much new with the baby. I get more uncomfortable everyday. A part of me can't wait till he's born just so I can get rid of the baby weight. I don't expect to get back to what I was but I want to be damn close. I've been whining quite a bit lately about stretch marks and weight gain. I hadn't realized I'd gained any weight in my face till we took those pictures the other day and not I'm upset about it. I know it's supposed to happen and everything but I'm not used to looking that way. I don't have many stretch marks on my belly (they're just starting) but my chest is awful. I went up almost three cup sizes in three months so it's to be expected that I'd have some stretching. I don't know how to "fix" those after he's born short of surgery. (which I wouldn't do until I was completely done having kids, if I did it at all) Well, I'm going to get ready for bed now. I've only been sleeping for a few hours at a time lately. It's weird. I'm exhausted all the time but wake up four hundred times a night for no reason other than to roll over.