I. Feel. Like. Crap. I make it nine months before I get sick... NINE MONTHS. I slept horrible last night. Between waking up to pee and waking up just because I felt like crap, I probably only got a couple hours of sleep. Every time I woke up, I'd be up for an hour or so. Plus, when Shawn came to bed, he decided to call the dog up with him (I think he was cold) and she stretched right on my belly. I had the window fan on high (it dropped under 40 degrees last night) and the ceiling fan on and I still woke up sweating every time. I'm sure to a normal person, it was freezing in there. I swear if I go into labor sick, I just might murder someone. I came downstairs and immediately told my brother that I no longer like him... only to take it back a minute later when he croaked out an apology. Kind of hard to not like someone when they sound sicker than you are.
Last night sucked for me and not because I was sick. It was completely depressing. Some of my extended family members seem to have no filter between their brain and mouth. My aunt and uncle came by yesterday to give me my baby shower gift. (which I'm almost positive she went and bought last night) I HATE it when people touch my stomach, unless it's one of the people I live with that is. I don't feel like my mom, brother or Shawn is invading my little personal bubble. Anyways, the first thing she did was touch my stomach and no matter how many times I tried to politely back away, she continued to follow me and touch my stomach AND poke it. My uncle proceded to tell her that I DON'T want her touching my stomach and she told him, no pregnant women like it. No. They. Don't. I finally got away and in the house. When I was putting Mia in the crate (for some reason she wanted to eat my uncle, which is very strange, most dogs like him) she commented on how FAT I am. If I didn't love my uncle so much... let's just say I have a LOT of dirt on her and could've very easily made her life hell. But I wouldn't do that to him. I just went back to sitting on the couch and gritted my teeth through the rest of their visit. I basically ignored her from that point on and talked to my uncle. I was SO glad when they left. Later on, my brother came home from his dad's and had told me that he had a package there for me. It was from my aunt and grandma on my dad's side. First of all, they mailed it to his house, like I don't have an address. That really irks me. I live HERE. I wonder if they'll continue to send things to my dad's after me and Shawn move out. At any rate, all the little outfits were very cute and then I got to the card. On the inside was a small note. It said the usual stuff, can't wait, hope you like everything and then she offered advice. I felt like I was 12 years old and they feel like I have no business having a child because I'm a complete idiot. She told me to make sure to remove the tags because it could scratch the baby's skin. And that I should be careful when picking out a name (EVERYONE knows we already have a name but aren't telling until it's born) because he could get teased and that he's the one that should be proud of his name. To me that's saying that it's obvious that since I won't tell them the name that it must be something absolutely awful. I told Shawn I want to pack up all the people that I care about and actually like and move somewhere far away. We could have our own little lives there and I wouldn't have to deal with all these relatives that seem to like to hurt my feelings. I've had several other instances in the last few weeks where someone makes me feel like a child and that I couldn't care for a kitten let alone a baby. As if I have no common sense at all. The person I seem to get the best advice from is my animal rescue aunt. She has no kids so you wouldn't think that she'd have better advice than someone who has ten of them but she does. She also a lot more tactful that most of these other people. Maybe it's just because we're so much alike that I take her advice so well. Who knows. I'm sure everyone will think I'm overly sensitive but it's hard not to be when you get the same comments day after day.
Matt, our horse farrier, came out on Monday to trim the horses hooves. We all stood outside and talked to him for about a half hour after he was done. It's nice that the weather is getting more comfortable, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to do that. He's always got somefunny story or another to tell about his work. He says he does between 15 and 25 horses a day. That's 15-25 times that he could get his head kicked in. At least that's what I hear when he says things like that, Shawn hears dollar signs. haha
We had another dog fight over the weekend. *sigh* It was two of my dogs. My aussie is getting up there in her years and I really can't have them attacking her anymore. I hope getting April fixed will calm her down. Right now I'm keeping them both completely seperated, hoping for them to forget. I tried letting them outside together a few days ago and April got huffy and tried to fight with her again. Poor August has several punctures on her head and her back is totally bruised.
I've got to go wake up Shawn now. That guy is going to be here doing drywall again. He's having a colonoscopy tomorrow so he's going to be in our bathroom every five minutes. He's 31 and they're worried he might have cancer. I hope I don't have to go get more toliet paper. I pee a lot you know. =)