I finally gave in for the first time since before I was pregnant with my daughter. I started taking OTC sleeping pills again. I was tossing and turning till 10am the other morning and just thought 'that's it, I'm not doing this anymore.' I actually had the energy to clean up the kitchen today for the first time in a few weeks. I was doing little things here and there but it definitely wasn't as clean as I wanted it to be. We'll see how long it is before the pills stop working and I'll have to go back to trying to sleep on my own.
The puppy, Cash is getting big fast. He's finally starting to catch on to potty training. We got him when he was 6 weeks old and the lady told us it might take a little longer to train him. He's 8 weeks now and I thought he was never going to figure it out. He's kind of a bone head goof ball dog so I think that made it even more difficult. Well, my sleeping pill is starting to kick in. I should lay down and see what happens.