Well, there's not a whole lot new today. My mom might get laid off due to some other company striking. They make axle's or something. My mom works for the H2 (Hummer) plant, which is kind of owned by GM and GM gets 90% of some part from them. Can't make more Hummer's without that ole axle. I found out that the little kitty, is still homeless. DH went down to the people's house I thought he may belong to and they said they don't have a cat like that and they too just had a female dropped off in front of their house. At least we didn't end up with both of them. Did litter boxes today. *shudder* Cats have the worst smelling poop and pee out of anyother animal. It's my least favorite thing about all these animals. One gets an upset tummy and they alllll get an upset tummy. Ick.
Since I don't have much to say, I figured I'd just tell ya all some of the things I've learned over the years. There is no perfect animal. The ugliest animal ever created, was man. Birds have very complex little minds and caring for them, can be complicated. All animals deserve to be loved and none should ever die in the backroom of a shelter just because they were born at the wrong time or to the wrong people.
Horses are just big dogs. You only know your true friends when in times of crisis. Blood is thicker than water, it just takes some people longer to realize it than others. Most trash, can be used somehow for an animal. Example: an old grate to a bird cage, can be used as a shelf in a cat cage for resting, an old "useless" towel, can be used as a hammock, pop caps can be used as bird toys, pepsi boxes make nice bunny houses. I could make that list go on and on. Animal people are very sensitive to what's said around and about their animals. That's my wisdom for the day.
Awsome entry! I think dog poo is the worst smelling there is! Horses is just "recyled" grass. I don't find it offensive at all. Our gerbil loves the cardboard rolls from tolit paper, he doesn't eat it just chews it and makes it part of his nest. I give him a Cheerio sometimes as a treat, he sure loves that! And your so right about being sensitive about what is said about your animals. With me it's my cat, if someone is a cat hater, I have no time for them. ~lila~
I'm the same way, horse poop doesn't bother me at all. I can't tell you how many times I've ended up with it on me and haven't cared one bit. My mom always told me, It all washes off. Now I fear no poo. LOL My gerbil chews on everything! Poor girl is getting up there in the years. She mainly sleeps now. She loves plain popcorn! I don't think she eats any of it though, just has fun chewing it to pieces.
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