Thursday, May 18, 2006


I realized something the other day while me and my husband were looking at houses.  I don't like the idea of cutting down trees.  Especially really old ones.  I kind of feel like they've made it through so much, so many years of lighting, fires, bugs, humans, etc. that I don't have a right to bring that life to an end.  I know that probably sounds ridiculous.  I think it probably comes from the way I was brought up.  My mom is very into native american culture.  If she could have been an Indian, she would've.  Therefore, I've gotten a lot of history in that area.  I remember at some point during my childhood, watching some documentary of some sort on a tribe and they believed that every living thing has a soul, dogs, cats, trees, grass, everything.  I feel like that has a lot to do with why I don't like killing anything.  The other day, I caught a nasty looking spider and took him to our barn... in the pouring rain because I was worried that if I just set him outside somewhere, he would drown.  The only things I don't mind killing are fleas and mosquitos, oh and ticks.  Basically if it sucks my blood, or stings, I'm all for killing it.  But I feel like there is something really special about trees.  I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's because they've been mystical beings in so many kids movies or maybe it's just because they've been around for such a long time.  Whatever the reason, they have my respect. 

Thursday, May 4, 2006


Me and Shawn have been house shopping for a while now.  We're not able to buy anything right this second but we hope to be within the next six months or so.  our realtor says we're doing everything right and she's got a great reputation with everyone we've talked to.  We're having trouble finding houses with land in Indiana.  I would like to stay within twenty miles of my mom and brother.  We have, however found land in Michigan.  Two of the houses have 9.5 acres and what appear to be nice houses.  (we haven't been in them, just looked online at their pictures)  They're about an hour away but it's all highway so it wouldn't seem like an hour drive.  I don't know what's going to happen.  I really like this old farm house in Michigan but I feel like there would be more problems with an older house.  (it's over hundred years old) Well, I'd better go.  I'm supposed to be watching my brother play video games and make sure that Jasmine doesn't get in his way.