Monday, September 27, 2004

Just another Day

Today I must have had a little more energy than usual.  I woke up and started making cupcakes. (spice cake, my favorite)  I even dyed the frosting myself.  Although instead of being purple, it was more of a grey color.  After those were done, I came upstairs and swept the bedroom, cleaned the litter boxes and completely cleaned the large bird cage.  When I say clean it, I mean every toy, every bar and even the bottom that no one ever sees.  Too bad I'm starving now.  Oh well, I can eat cupcakes.  hehe  The cats have made the couch their "usual" sleeping spot.  Everyone has their own place on the couch.  It's like designated parking places.  I've decided to move the computer desk into the closet.  Kind of like they do on Clean Sweep on TLC.  I think it'll save a lot of room and then when I'm done, I can just close the doors and hide it.  I spent a good deal of time slicing apples today for the rabbits and horses.  Of course, then I had to stand outside and hand feed the monsters.  Let me tell you, it was terrible.  lol  I got to stand there and the most work I had to do was grab another slice and hold it out to which ever horse (or goat) was ready for another one.  I've been busy making lists for things that need to be done before the wood floor is put into our bedroom and what I'd like to see done afterwards.  Shawn will be thrilled when he gets home.  lol  I've got a nice honey do list for him. 

A couch, a loveseat and a headache

Today, my grandpa brought over our couch and loveseat.  My aunt and uncle gave it to us after her dad died.  I don't know if they just couldn't bear to have a constant reminder of him in the house all day or if they just didn't want it but they asked us if we'd like it or if they should send it to goodwill and of course, we said we'd take it.  I had been wondering what we were going to sit on once we moved out of my mom's house.  That is the reason for the plastic slip cover question from earlier.  I was not in the mood to go shopping, let alone shopping for something that seems to not exsist anymore, so I was pretty grumpy all day.  What we ended up doing was buying that plastic that you nail outside your windows in the winter if you have a drafty house and we stapled it to the underside of the couch, took it over top of the couch and stapled it to the bottom on the opposite side.  Very white trash of us.  BUT we did buy a loveseat and couch "throw," a big blanket to cover up the ugliness that has become these poor couches.  The cats are definitely in love with their new, very large bed.  There are five cats laying on it as I'm typing this.  Wait, that just turned into six.  I should really go grab the camera right about now.  I think I just might!!!  I'll have some very cute pictures for you all as soon as they're developed.  I'm still in the stone age, where camera's have film and it needs to be developed of all things.  haha


Pictures have now been taken.  Just in time too, as half the cats decided they wanted to go find a new place to nap or they've decided they want to clean themselves and no one wants a picture of that.  I'm one of those people that would carry a camera with me everywhere.  One night, me and Shawn were driving in the middle of winter and in the middle of this field was a family of deer.  They're weren't the least bit afraid of us.  It would've made a great picture.  My hope is to someday own a really nice camera.  The kind that you have to learn how to zoom and focus yourself.  My aunt and uncle (the same ones that gave me the couches) both work at the Indy Star newspaper.  They're both wonderful with a camera.  My uncle takes pictures that completely capture the feeling of the moment.  Someday, I'd love to have half that talent.  Soon they'll be on Pet Star.  If you see it, it's two dogs, ones a boxer, the other a border collie (Buddy and Ringo) and my aunt's name is Jerri.  The trick was supposed to go, Buddy gets a treat put on her nose and flips it backwards into Ringo's mouth, who is sitting directly behind her.  It didn't go quite right the first time.  Ringo decided he wanted to explore the studio rather than eat some treat.  haha 

Sunday, September 26, 2004


I'm having a small problem, maybe someone out there in journal land can help me.  I spent most of today searching for those old days plastic/vinyl slip covers for your couch.  Does anyone know where the hell I can find these things again without getting into my time machine and going back to the 70's to find them.  I don't care if I have to buy it online anymore.  When I first started looking for these things I figured I'd find them SOMEWHERE and that I wouldn't have to search the never ending internet but I was very obviously wrong.  So if any of you nice people out there could help me out I would absolutely love you forever!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Cats and Poisons

My cat recently started vomiting and very frequently too.  She ate a very old dead flower the other day and that was what she initially threw up.  I can't think of the name of the flower for the life of me right now though.  The only flower name that keeps coming to mind is marigold and I know it wasn't a marigold but it's like a record skipping in my brain and I can't just forget the name of the damned marigold for even a minute.  Anyways, I thought I'd look up cats and poisonous flowers, just to make sure the flower wouldn't kill her.  After reading the VERY long list (I had to look at each and every one of those flowers because I still couldn't remember the name of the flower she ate but I'd know it if I could read it) I am extremely surprised that cats have not gone exstinct before humans came along and domesticated them.  You'd think that even eating a strand of grass would kill them.  It claims even aloe vera plants are poisonous.  Well, then I must have a couple of super cats living here or something because they continually torture every aloe vera plant I've ever had until it finally gives in and dies.  None of my cats have died of aloe vera poisoning, or eating any of these other plants that they call poisonous.  And my cats have gotten to taste quite a few of them.  Remember the old days when people thought that if their dog even ate one leaf off a poinsette plant, they'd die almost upon digestion?  Now we know, they'd have to eat SEVERAL plants before it would actually kill them.  Please tell me where the hell that rumor got started??  For the longest time, I wanted a poinsette plant in my house around Christmas but my mom would never let us have one because she believed, like everyone else, that it would be the death of her animals.  While I still don't know if the flower my cat ate is the reason she's been vomiting stomach bile all over the place or not, I now feel I should have a great respect for these small critters that scientists say can't eat any living flower out there.  *rolls eyes* 


It's the very next day and before I went to bed last night, I remembered the name of the flower, Gladiolus.  It is poisonous to cats but it should only make her vomit for a short while and may cause some irritation to her mouth as well.  But she will live.  The vomiting continues too much longer and I will be calling the vet though.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I'm feeling a little better.  Now I just have the annoying after effects.  I'm still coughing but it's just from whatever is still left over.  Today, I'm just bored.  Looking for something to do.  I hate sitting around the house now.  Stupid fulltime job.  I used to be able to sit around and do nothing all day with the best of them... now I feel the need to "accomplish" something.  Sheesh.  And of course, there's nothing good on tv to make me forget this need for accomplishment.  Sorry I haven't written in a while again.  I wasn't feeling well and I worked all weekend long.  Well, I'm off in search of this accomplishment thing. 

Friday, September 10, 2004

Long week

This whole week, I've been sick.  The only day I wasn't was Monday, my only day off.  My throat has yucky white spots on it and I'm coughing, runny nose.  I haven't wanted to go to work at all.  I have to work tomorrow too, it's my first Saturday.  Hopefully, it'll go by smoothly and we'll be out of there at 12:30.  That's probably dreaming though.  We have a dog at work that continues to try and bite me and the other new girl.  She's horrible.  Her parents are out of town for two weeks on their honeymoon and this dog wants nothing to do with us.  Thankfully, she has a cone around her neck to keep her from messing with her surgery wound and it makes it much harder for her to bite us.  We had a euthanasia today and afterwards they did the necropsy in the treatment room.  Anyone who wanted to watch, could as long as they weren't doing anything else.  I chose to just glance here and there.  I wanted to go to lunch and actually be able to eat my food.  Well, there's really not a whole lot new today.  I'm still not feeling well so I think I'll go lay down.