Monday, January 31, 2005

Bad Bad dogs

I woke up yesterday morning to my mom yelling out the backdoor at the dogs, who were of course fighting.  No dog was injured this time around, for once.  My mom has a scratched up foot (dog nails) and I some how got a nasty bruise on my hand.  I never even touched the dogs while they were fighting so it had to happened when I was running to them.  They stopped fighting and very calmly walked to the backdoor, TOGETHER.  Idiots. 

My grandma stopped by today.  I was taking a nap so I'm sure she thinks that all I do is sleep now.  For whatever reason, she seems to think that all I do is sit in the house, sleep and watch tv.  A few weeks ago I was talking to her about when I drove myself to an OB appointment and she made a big deal about it like it was a mircle to get me to go somewhere by myself.  I just prefer not to drive in general and especially not while I'm pregnant.  (my eyesight has gotten worse since preggo from hormones, they'll go back to normal after the baby is born for now I can't see a thing)  I just don't get her sometimes.  It seems like she thinks that the only thing that happens here is what she sees with her own eyes.  Plus, we constantly get comments about how many animals we have.  Trust me, if we could lie about it and get away with her not knowing, just so we don't have to deal with the lectures, we would.  She also tries to tell me how I should or should not discpline my dogs.  She doesn't understand that just because my crazy austrailian shepherd doesn't bite her while she's facing her, doesn't mean she won't the second she turns her back.  So when MY dog goes to bite her, she gets smacked on the butt and then I get yelled at.  Everytime I swear up and down that next time I'll just let her get bit but I know I won't actually do it.  It's just hard for "normal" people to understand how we can live with this many animals and be happy with them... most of the time. 

Well there's not much new to tell.  Weekend was pretty boring.  I didn't get much sleep, nor did I see Shawn very much.  Our friend Paul brought his truck over to be worked on and a job that should've taken a few hours, ended up taking the entire weekend until7pm last night.  It needed to be done though.  His rotars were bad enough that he should've had an accident by now.  Well, I'm going to go try and get some sleep.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Fighting again

There was another dog fight just a few minutes ago.  I'm usually pretty calm and am the person that stops the fighting but I just froze and started crying.  I can't get too in the middle of it because I'm pregnant and now I've got to worry about what's going to happen once the baby is born.  I can't have dogs fighting all the time with a baby in the house.  I won't get rid of my dogs but I've gotta figure something out.  Mia's ear is completely split open at the tip.  I'm worried that it'll never heal, I've seen if happen with many other dogs and cats.  August has a few little punctures.  Mia had been growling at the other dogs because she got her head stuck between the coffee table and the couch and once she got out, I tried to grab her.  When I did she started growling at me and stiffening up like she would bite me.  Within a few seconds, out of no where, August was on her back and then all five of the dogs were fighting.  That woke my brother up.  Didn't really matter who was there though because it stopped on it's own, as it usually does.  I just don't know what to do.  I really just want to sit here and cry for the next few hours.

Doctor appointment sucked.  He rushed in and then rushed out.  There was really no time to get a word in with him.  I hate that I have to see all the doctor's at this office.  I've got two more to get through and then I can go back to seeing the doctor I like everytime.  I've got to go in for my gestational diabetes testing between February 18th and March 2nd.  That should be disgusting.  You drink a syrup like mixture and then wait an hour, when they take your blood.  If you fail the first test, you have to go in for a second, only this time you're there for a total of four hours.  The first hour is the hour after you drink the crap and then they take your blood every hour for three hours.  I told the doc I had today that I had been getting really dizzy the last few weeks and he said yeah that happens as you get farther along.  I would've been happier if he had taken the damn iron test.  It would've taken him less than a minute.  Oh well, I'm going to go lay down.  I can hear the baby's heartbeat with this thing we bought at Target a few weeks ago.  I couldn't hear it until last night so that's what I spent most of the night doing.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Doctor's and Vet's

We took Tasha to the vet yesterday.  They did a CBC and a full senior dog blood workup.  It came back completely normal.  Yet as of yesterday morning the only thing she was passing was blood.  They sent us home with some special dog food called i/d (science diet, most vet's office's use it for upset tummies, especially after surgery) and some pills like immodium ad for people.  If it doesn't help at all then we have to take her back and have xrays done to see if they can see anything on them.  She was a little bit dehydrated so they gave her some fluids under her skin.  She slept quite a bit last night from all the stress. 

I go to the OB for my check-up today.  I'm really not feeling like going.  I think I'm getting a cold and I'm still not sleeping very well.  I've been told by other preggo ladies that it's just a phase that we go through during pregnancy.  Thankfully, my appointment isn't until 4 this afternoon.  There's a ton of questions that every wants answers to but I haven't written any down.  I've found most of the answers I need online already and anything I'm not sure about, I'll just ask him today.  I think they'll be measuring my stomach today to see where I am as far as the growth.  And then I'm pretty sure the rest is answering questions.  I'm expecting a finger poke for possible anemia.  I know that's not what's causing the dizziness but they'll do the damned poke anyways just because they have to be sure.  I'll try to post a quick message on here later to let you know how it went but I may just forget, my brain doesn't remember things like it used to now that I'm pregnant.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Poor Tasha

Well, tonight was pretty gross.  I was watching tv/playing solitaire when I noticed Tasha (our 12 year old shetland sheepdog) getting up.  She has pretty bad arthritis and usually doesn't get up unless she wants water or to go outside.  She moved over to another dog bed and I noticed there was a smell.  I got up to look and saw that the bed she had been sleeping in looked wet.  I then went over to her and lifted her back leg (which she found rather undignified let me tell you) and saw that she had a large amount of poop in her hair.  I eventually talked myself into giving her a bath (keep in mind that it's about 1am at this time, the last thing I want to do is wash a poopy dog or ANY dog for that matter) She looked miserable the whole time.  She's the type of dog that NEVER did anything wrong and when she would, she would be obviously upset about doing something that we dissaproved of.  So for her to go to the bathroom in the house was something that obviously pained her.  I cleaned her up and put her on her favorite dog bed.  I brushed her hair (which she hates) and then I clipped some of her hair from around her rear end in case it happens again.  I feel terrible for her.  She looks at me like she's completely traumatized by this whole thing or like she thinks that she's going to die any time now.  We're going to make her a vet appointment and probably have some bloodwork done.  Poor dog.  I wish I could communicate with her and find out what she's feeling and explain to her everything will be ok.  It's a big vet bill at a bad time that's for sure.

Everything with the baby is the same.  I've got some pain in my abdominal muscles, much like those when you do too many sit-ups.  I'm trying to think if I've laughed too hard in the last few days or not.  That would've done it with the way my muscles are completely stretched out now.  My chest has literally doubled in size since I got pregnant.  I don't like that at all.  Same with my stomach and I"m sure both will only get bigger before they get smaller.  Well, I need to go try and sleep.  I was so tired earlier but then all that stuff happened with the dog and I haven't been sleepy since.

Monday, January 24, 2005


I'm so glad I have my doc's appointment this week, otherwise I'd be calling the office.  I've been dizzy on and off for about 24 hours now.  I don't think it's from being anemic, it's not the same kind of dizzy.  I know that sounds strange but I know how different one dizzy is from another.  I thought eating supper last night would help but it hasn't.  Plus I had a horrible headache most of the day yesterday.  I really need to start writing down some of the stuff I have questions about or else I won't end up asking him anything at all.  I can't wait till my ultrasound next month.  We should be able to find out if it's a girl or a boy and hopefully, it'll show that my placenat has moved upwards. 

Shawn's working third shift now.  So far I don't like it at all.  I liked relaxing with him in the evening, even if we did sit across the room from eachother.  Plus, if I get cravings after 9pm, I'm screwed.  Maybe after a few weeks I'll get used to it.  The one reason I do like it is because I know he can always go to my doctor appointments.  I just know I'll end up going into labor in the middle of the night though and I'm worried I won't be able to get a hold of him.  I'd throw a major fit if I gave birth and he didn't have to go through it with me.  My mom WILL be in the delivery room with us.  (even if she doesn't like it... haha)  I told her if she's not there I'll wake up the whole hospital screaming I want my MOMMY!  haha  Well, I'm going to bed.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Five months Today


Finally, we're at five months.  Only four more to go and from the sounds of it, those are going to be the worst ones.  I get more and more uncomfortable every stinking day.  I can only imagine how I'll feel at nine months.  I weighed myself the other day and found that I've gained 20lbs so far.  It's funny because that's still considered normal weight gain for me.  I'm supposed to gain 40.  I'm having a horrible time sleeping right now.  I started taking benedryl tonight to see if it helps any.  The only things I can take for it are that and tylonel PM.  I have to call the office for Medicaid today.  I got a letter about a week ago saying that since I hadn't chosen a doctor for myself that they chose one for me.  Well, since they screwed up so badly in the first place, no one told me that I needed to choose a doctor or even who to call to tell them that I have my own doctor.  I just know they're going to fight me about it too.  It says on the website that you have to wait 12 months before you can change doctors after you choose one.  I'll be going to my regular doctor whether they like it or not.  He's the only doctor I've EVER been comfortable with and I'll go to him till he retires or moves.  Well, I'm going to go set my alarm and hopefully fall asleep quickly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Ultrasound Scheduled

My next ultrasound is February 15th.  They'll be looking to see if my placenta has moved at all.  I think if they don't see any improvement at that ultrasound that my doctor might consider setting up my c-section right then for nine months.  I have a good feeling that it'll have moved by then though.  My next doctor's appointment is on January 27th.  I'll be seeing my mom's doctor at this one.  I'm a little nervous about it.  One of our friends saw him and didn't like him and she's about as picky as I am about my doctor's.  I really wish I could see my regular OB right now.  He's the one that's been following all of this and he's the one that I want to ask all my questions.  Well, I'm going to go find something to eat.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Gettin' Stuck

I went and got my blood drawn today.  They took FIVE vials!!!!!  I didn't pass out for once.  She let me sit in a recliner and was talking the whole time.  Instead of a band-aid, I got vet wrap all the way around my arm.  She gave me pink and said that meant it'd be a girl.  It was pretty sore for a while.  She was really quick about it.  I mean she took five vials and it was done with in probably under two minutes.  She made me so comfortable, I could've hugged her.  Now let's just hope that's all for a while.  I'm going to get sick of getting stuck real quick. 

The cut on my foot has become slightly infected.  It was from the other day when the dogs had their fight.  I soaked it in epsine salt for a half hour today and I'm going to do it twice tomorrow.  Well, that's really all that's new today.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Ultrasound Results

I talked to my doctor today.  He had the results of my ultrasound from a few weeks ago.  We didn't get wonderful news.  It's not awful but not great either.  Turns out I have something called Placenta Previa or a low-lying placenta.  Right now the placenta is partially covering my cervix, making it impossible to give birth without a c-section IF it doesn't move by the due date.  He says there's a good chance that while my uterus grows, the placenta will move up.  If not I will have to have a c-section or me and the baby could die.  Another thing he said is that the baby is smaller than it should be at this point.  I have another ultrasound in about four weeks and they're taking blood tomorrow.  I'll have many more ultrasounds, until everything looks normal or until my c-section.  I really hope it doesn't come to that.  I would prefer to have a vaginal birth, contractions and all, rather than being sliced open and in pain for weeks.  You also have to be awake during a c-section in most cases.  They don't like to knock you out completely because if the drugs get to the baby, it'll have a slower reaction time once it's out, i.e., they try to make it cry but it can't feel pain so it won't take it's first breath.  It hasn't been a great day for me.  I know I shouldn't worry or be upset but it's kind of hard not to when it's happening to you.  I'm just so grateful for the OB that I have.  He took a lot of time out of his day to talk to me on the phone and try to reassure me, even though I know he wasn't done with patients for the day.  Well, I'm going to go look some things up and then go to bed.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Baby Blues

I can't wait till I start feeling better.  I've been a little depressed lately.  Just pregnancy hormones I think.  It has been happening every few weeks, for about a week I'll feel like crap and not want to get out of bed everyday and then after the weekend starts, I feel better and things go back to normal. 

I went to WIC on Tuesday.  Little did I know what was in store for me there.  I wasn't told that they'd want to prick me with a needle.  It was just a quick stick in the finger but I still told the nurse that I'd probably pass out.  Of course she freaked out and kept telling me that I couldn't pass out, she couldn't let me pass out.  She went and got another nurse who did it for her and she made it so I didn't pass out.  I wish I had her everytime I had to get poked with a needle.  Of course, I looked like an ass after that because I didn't pass out.  I was more worried about the fact that I had driven myself and had no one to take me home if I did pass out.  Why do I always get the nurse's that freak when I tell them I have a phobia??  You'd think they'd train them for these things, even a quick one day thing.

The dogs got into another fight yesterday morning.  Five dogs in a very small backroom all going at it at once.  I was the only one home and had just woken up.  I get up every morning to let them outside and then go back to sleep after they're done.  No one got hurt, except for me.  I didn't even realize I was bleeding all over the kitchen floor until after I was done making sure the husky was ok.  At some point and time, one of the dogs used my foot to dig into with their claws, not once but twice and caused three gashes across my foot.  It stung even more because the husky had pee'd herself during the fight and I think the dog that did it, must have stepped in it first.  No amount of soap and water stops that from stinging.  Well, I'm off to attempt sleep again.

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Another Dog Fight

Today was interesting to say the least.  Me and Shawn went out to eat and on our way home, the cell phone rings.  My mom sounds panicked so I ask her what's wrong.  Apparently, my dog, August and Shawn's dog, Mia, attacked my mom's dog outside.  Thankfully we were almost home.  When I got there she was in her dog crate and refused to come out.  After a little coaxing she eventually came out hoping for a treat.  The inside of her ear was covered in blood and dripping down into her canal.  My first concern was that one of the dogs had burst her ear drum.  I eventually got a hold of Jenn at the rescue and got a sedative from her to calm the dog, Takoda.  She was a little nippy and screamed every time I touched her.  After the sedative took effect we got to work cleaning away the blood to see what damage there was.  Turns out most of the wounds were just scratches with a few punctures.  Nothing serious at all.  The position of the cuts made it appear as if there was much more blood than there really was.  She's sleeping now because the sedative hasn't worn off yet.  The other two dogs are completely unharmed.  I'll have to keep an eye on the swelling for the next few days but I'm sure she'll be fine. 

Really there's not much else new.  Mostly just eat and watch tv anymore.  I got a cheap heart monitor at Target the other day.  I was told by some other pregnant women that I won't be able to hear the baby's heart until somewhere between the 20th and 28th week but I can hear it moving now and hear the kicks that are still light enough that I can't feel.  Well, it's about time I got ready for bed.

Friday, January 7, 2005


First and foremost, if someone out there has a problem with my mother, speak up and give us a name, otherwise you're just a coward hiding behind a screen name. 

Now that that's out of the way.  Everything's been pretty normal around here.  Baby is kicking a lot the last few weeks.  I was supposed to go get a blood test for god knows what on the 30th but I still haven't gone.  It wouldn't be a big deal if it was the ONLY time they'd have to touch me with a needle but I have a feeling it won't be.  Everyone will realize how much I hate needles once I'm in labor.  Went out and got some maternity clothes yesterday.  I really shouldn't buy anymore because I won't need them for long.  The snow finally stopped.  We really didn't get a LOT of snow but it was enough.  Well, I'm going to go get something to eat and get ready to leave for the store.

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Bored Bored Bored

I'm so bored tonight.  I've been in a bad mood most of the day for whatever reason.  Probably just pregnancy hormones.  The baby has been kicking quite a bit for the last week or so.  It's almost always when I've been laying around relaxing.  We've gotten a little snow here.  Of course they're treating it like a blizzard just like they do with every snow storm that happens in Northern Indiana.  The weathermen always act like we'd better stock up on our canned goods and bottled water because we're all about to be snowed in for the rest of winter.  It's gotten to the point where I think most people just ignore what the weather guy says and make their own weather.  If he/she says it's going to be an awful storm, we assume it's going to be a few mild flakes, if he says it's going to be flurries, we know to get the canned goods because it'll be a blizzard.  Now that everyone is back to work after the winter shut down, I think it's causing me to go a little stir crazy.  I got used to them being home and now I have to get used to them not.  I have my appointment with WIC on the 11th.  Gee, I just can't wait to sit in that office for two hours.  I'm sure it'll be snowing like crazy on my way there too.  That'll be fun.  They say it's supposed to warm up and melt the snow, we'll see.  Did the ultrasound picture show up for anyone else?  It showed up fine for me immediately after I loaded it but now everytime I go to my journal, it won't load it.  I may have to do it over again if I'm not the only one having a problem seeing it.  Well, I'm going to go see what kind of garbage I can eat before I go to bed.  Hope you're all warm and dry.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005


New Due Date :: June 10

17 weeks and 4 days

Well yesterday's ultrasound was a little dissappointing.  They couldn't tell the sex of the baby because it turns out, it's two weeks younger than we originally thought.  So now I have to wait till next month to find out what it is.  Unless I decide to call my doctor and have them set up a new u/s sooner.  I haven't decided yet.  The heartbeat was 150 this time, last time it was 141, both normal.  Everything looked fine and I'm about ready to post a picture for you all to see.  It didn't come out real great due to my scanner.

Monday, January 3, 2005

Ultrasound Today

baby web sites

I've got my ultrasound to go to today.  It's first to make sure everything is going right with the baby AND to find out if it's a boy/girl.  I'm still hoping girl, Shawn still wants boy so someone will have bragging rights.  The girls on my pregnancy board all say boy except for one.  Hopefully, the little brat is lying the right way so they can tell.  Keep your fingers crossed for a girl!!  I've gotta go now though because I have to drink 32oz of water right before I leave.  Thankfully, I won't have to do that again after the 20th week.  (which is next week for me)