Wednesday, September 28, 2005


On Tuesday of last week, we received a call from the hospital.  It was my grandma and she was uncharacteristically crying.  She said we needed to get there immediately because my grandpa wasn't doing well.  I called my uncle and we left.  I didn't feel like we could get there fast enough.  It's a good thing I wasn't driving or we would have surely gotten pulled over.  When we got there we went straight to the ER and his room.  It was worse than I could have even imagined.  He was gasping for breath and his eyes were rolling into his head.  I felt like the nurses weren't doing enough.  I felt like it should have been more frantic.  More doctors.  The doctor took my mom and grandma into the hallway and told them he had pneumonia and probably only had a few hours left.  They then took him upstairs to the oncology ward.  I asked the nurse why they couldn't just take the fluid from his lungs and she said he was producing it faster than they could remove it.  They gave him a drug to try and drain the fluid from his lungs to his kidneys.  Within three hours, his breathing slowed.  My mom, grandma, Shawn, Jasmine and myself were all with him when he took his last breath.  I don't wish that on anyone.  Looking back it seems like an awful dream.  It's a dream I won't ever be able to forget.

This last week there hasn't been much time to think about my grandfather's passing.  There have been arrangements to be made, flowers to be ordered and then of course the viewing and funeral.  Now I feel like I'm just walking around in a daze.  I try not to think about anything at all.  I can't deal with it all yet.  It's just too painful.  I've been torturing myself nightly with Johnny Cash cd's.  (grandpa loved the man in black) I don't know if it's very healthy or not.  Doesn't really make a difference because I would still listen to it even if it wasn't.  Grief is a funny thing.  I lay in bed and sob so hard that I feel like my lungs will bruise and yet I never feel any better.  I think maybe if I cry a little longer or a little harder the pain might not be so close.  That's never the case though.  The more I cry the worse I feel.  I end up feeling sadder than I had started out feeling and tired.  It's not good to not cry at all though.  I just haven't found a balance yet.  My aunt Jeri told me that grief has no time line.  It doesn't get better and stay that way.  It sneaks up on you six months later and you go through it all over again as if it had all happened just days ago.  You never really get over the death of someone you loved.  It's a never ending process. 

It's hard to tell how my grandma is actually doing.  She's very cryptic and hides her emotions.  You have to pay very close attention to her to know what she feels.  We've been spending a great deal of time with her and will continue to for as long as needed.  Now I know that if she was doing fine living in that house alone, she would tell us we don't need to come over so often, that she's ok.  But she doesn't say that so I know she's not.  I don't expect her to be.  Her kids are the same way, except for my mom.  The only way I know how my uncles are doing is by asking their wives.  If you ask them they say they're fine or make a joke.  That's how most of my family is but you know they're not. 

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My grandfather passed away on Tuesday afternoon.  I may not be post for a while.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Cirque and Stomp

I'm just writing to whine a bit.  For years I've really wanted to go see both Cirque du soleil and Stomp but never really looked into it until I watched a production of Cirque du soleil yesterday morning.  It gave me a little more motivation to start looking.  I found that neither shows comes anywhere near us anytime soon.  Stomp was here last year but I couldn't convince Shawn to take me.  I'm going to check back in January to see if they'll be coming here after the first of the year but for now I'll just have to be content with the dvd that Cirque du soleil came out with.  I would love to go see their production of "O."  That would be the only reason I think I would ever be interested in going to New York.  Sorry any NY folks out there but I'm a country mouse and that's where I prefer to be.  I would take the mountains of Colorado over any big city, any day.  I suppose I'm done whining now whether I want to be or not, Jasmine is paging me from the living room.


On top of a fussy teething baby, I now have a dog to care for.  April just got spayed on Friday.  Shawn called to find out how much the total was going to be and they said that they found something during surgery and needed to speak with me about it.  Of course, Shawn didn't ask if it was anything serious so I didn't sleep much on Friday night.  Saturday we went up there and had a really long wait.  (it's first come, first serve) When I finally got back there the doctor said that he had found a tumor on her chest that had become infected and they had to drain the fluid but that it was benign and would eventually go away with antibiotics.  That was a weight off my shoulders.  She has to be crated most of the day though since she's such a high energy dog.  I'm afraid she'll rip her staples out.  That's something I was unhappy about, the staples.  If they had put in stitches, I wouldn't have to take her back, I could've taken them out myself but I don't have the proper tool to get the staples out without possibly tearing her incision so I have to take her back on the 23rd.  It wouldn't be such an inconvenience if it wasn't such a long trip and we didn't have the baby with us.  (45 minutes one way) Well, I'd better get something to snack on and then get the baby back upstairs.  She's currently passed out on the living room couch.

Sunday, September 4, 2005

The Weekend

Shawn's birthday was on Thursday of this week.  He's an old man at 24.  =) He didn't have a very eventful birthday since we had to wait till the weekend to get him anything.  But I still made him a cake.  Friday Shawn was supposed to watch Jasmine for me so I could get up early and go to the PowWow but she is teething and being a real pain in the butt.  I ended up staying up with her because he couldn't get her to stop crying, plus I couldn't seem to fall asleep.  I got about 2 hours of sleep before I had to get up.  He went with his mom to dinner (lunch) for his birthday with the baby while I was at the PowWow.  The guy who does our tattoos (Half Pint) was the main male dancer there.  We bought some necklaces and a few things for Jasmine's room.  They had this really cute indian dress for an infant that I was going to buy but I forgot it.  We only got one picture while we were there and it was of Half Pint.  I feel a little uncomfortable taking pictures at those things because I know some tribes feel like you're stealing a piece of them by taking their picture.  They made it clear when you were allowed to take pictures and when you weren't.  Usually if they were saying a prayer or a special song, they didn't want you to record it in any way.  We spent a few hours there before we went to the mall for Shawn's birthday present.  We got him a pair of shoes that he really wanted.  (he's obessed with shoes, just like a girl would be) There was a cute shirt I wanted to get at Spencer's but we're having troubles with the vehicles so I thought better of it.  When I got home, we were both hungry so we let his mom babysit for a few hours.  (GULP, the first time I've left her alone with anyone other than my mom) That went fine though, she slept through the whole thing.  I was considering going to my dad's house last night because I knew some of my family was coming up from Evansville.  I'm glad I decided not to though, I would've been waiting a long time.  Plus, I fell asleep shortly after we got home, expecting to be woken up by a screaming baby, but I didn't wake up till 6am and she was still asleep, she ended up sleeping till 9am!!  (10 hours straight asleep) At 6am, Shawn told me my brother had called and said that my uncle somehow got hurt at the races and broke his back, I immediately called my dad's house.  Unfortunately for my dad, he'd only been asleep for 20 minutes when I woke him up.  I agreed to go over there later on in the day before they went back to Evansville.  He was helping my dad in the pits when he slipped off a ladder and landed on the jack.  He was unconscious for quite some time and they took him to the hospital in an ambulance.  The xrays showed that his first vertabrae had a verticle piece completely broken off of it.  They told him he just needs to take it easy for a while and it'll heal on it's own.  I hope he goes to another doctor when he gets home because this place didn't sound very nice at all.  At any rate, he was well enough to take the 6 hour drive back and we all had a pretty good visit.  I hadn't seen two of my uncles in almost ten years until today.  So now we're home and Jasmine is asleep.  She's got one tooth that is in the process of coming through her gums.  You can just barely see and feel it.  She's not enjoying it.  She screams for hours and it seems like there's nothing to help her except baby tylonel.  We tried frozen washcloths, the teethers your supposed to put in fridge, you name it, we've tried it.  And what's worse, I'm the ONLY one that can get her to stop crying so it feels like I've constantly got a screaming baby attached to my hip.  Well, I'd better go.  I've got three rolls of film that need to be developed and then I'll post more pictures.  Once I figure out my mom's new digital camera, I'll post some too.  Hope everyone is well and that if you have friends or family in the hurricane areas, that you've heard from them.