Friday, February 25, 2005

More Baby Talk

Can you believe that this is almost over?  Well, I'm sure you all can.  It's probably all you can do to sit through another pregnancy entry.  When I first got pregnant, nine months seemed a LONG way off and now it's only three months away.  I'm starting to get really nervous about the labor.  I'll be in child birthing classes soon though and it's supposed to ease yoiur mind and help with the pain.  I watched Birth Day live on the Discovery channel the other day.  Most of those women didn't even so much as wimper.  I think they were hoped up on more epidural than they really needed so that it would look more glamorous for tv.  If you watch the regular birth programs on the Discovery channel, THOSE women are in pain.  Even with an epidural.  I think even if you get the epi that you should still feel SOME pain.  The pain is there for a reason.  If I get an epidural I'm going to tell them that I would to dull the pain, not eliminate it. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I'm NOT enjoying this pregnancy thing.  It's become very uncomfortable.  I feel like there's no possible way my skin can stretch any further on my stomach.  It feels like it's going to split in two.  My back hurts all the time.  It's like I'm bent over all day when all I do is sit around.  I had a charlie horse in my leg last night that lasted for about an hour.  It was still sore today.  And now we have to decide HOW to go about naming this kid and then WHAT to name it.  Men have no idea how lucky they are that they don't have to go through this. 

My brother hasn't been home for like three or four weeks straight now.  He's home to sleep and that's it.  I didn't care at first because more often than not he just pisses me off.  (I think it's just a sibling thing) but now I'm starting to get a little annoyed.  He comes home and expects me to fill him in on everything he's missed in the last few weeks when if he'd been here in the first place, he would know.  He's at his dad's apprently playing computer games.  (my dad has DSL internet, whereas we have dial up)  He wouldn't even know if this kid was a boy or a girl if I hadn't called him and told him.  Now when he comes home he acts like he's mad at me for some reason.  Oh well.  He'll eventually get bored with the game, come home and I'll wish he was at his dad's again.  We're never happy are we?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Appointment went well

My doctor's appointment went much better than I expected.  I actually liked him more than the last doctor I had to see.  I almost feel guilty about it though because he was so awful to my friend.  He actually took the time to answer our questions, whereas the other doctor didn't give us a chance to even ask a question.  At the ultrasound last week the baby weighed 1lb 6oz and today the heart rate was 143.  He says I'm growing right on target and everything is how it should be.  My placenta has moved back to where it is supposed to be so no c-section unless something else happens.  Shawn's pushing me to decide on a name.  Well, for US to decide on a name.  It's hard to figure out HOW to do that though.  How do you know which name is the right one and even if YOU know which one, maybe the other person thinks differently.  We already decided the last name.  That was decided before I ever even got pregnant.  The doctor says that we can go to Ohio in April and not worry about anything.  My next appointment is March 21 with my regular OB.  WOOHOO.  I could've jumped up and down when the receptionist asked me if it was ok with me if I see him.  After that appointment we'll be going to the doctor every two weeks until the baby is born. 

I watched several hours of Birth Day Live last night.  Most of those labors seemed very easy to me.  I've watched a lot of women give birth on the Discovery channel and most of them were screaming bloody murder even with the epidural.  These women weren't even sweating most of the time last night. 

Monday, February 21, 2005

Doctor's Appointment Today

We've got a doctor's appointment today at 4:15.  It's a different doctor than I've seen before, once again.  I can't wait till I can see my regular OB again.  I have to finish going through all the other doctor's first.  If they offer to let me see my regular doctor though, I'm going to do it.  This doctor I'm seeing today was not very nice to my friend when she was miscarrying.  He made it sound like oh well, your baby is going to die.  Makes me wish I could just skip this one all together.  These doctor's appointments right now are basically just to measure my stomach, listen to the baby's heartbeat and take a weight.  It takes less than ten minutes.  We usually don't have to wait long because we try to schedule it so that we're the last appointment for the day. 

I've been a little more emotional the past week than usual.  It's probably due to lack of sleep and finally knowing what the baby is going to be.  We went out and bought a bunch of clothes and a crib this weekend.  The crib was a little pricey but it's really nice and I never have to worry about it falling apart.  And it'll still be useable when we have the next kid.  (maybe THAT one will be a girl)

Friday, February 18, 2005

Baby Clothes

I (finally) put together the glider that I got for Christmas.  I thought it would be a lot harder than it was which is partly why I kept putting it off.  Turned out, the hardest thing was getting the damned cushions to button onto it.  I made a list of the baby clothes and things we have so far.  I don't even know how much to buy or how much we'll need for each size.  Obviously, I'd like to have a good start on all sizes before the baby is born and go from there.  Right now we seem to have more 0-3 months than anything else.  (although we don't even have a lot of those) I want to get one premie outfit just in case the baby is either born early (at least we'll have ONE outfit to bring him home in) or he's born a little small.  I thought we had a lot more recieving blankets than we actually do.  It's a good thing I went up and started counting everything.  Also, since he'll be born in the summer, I don't know how many warmer outfits to get him for 0-3 months.  I'm sure there will be a few nights that are a little on the chilly side.  Plus the A/C will always be on.  I need to buy some books about baby's first year because I'm obviously clueless on most of this stuff.  We're going to look at nursery stuff this weekend.  (and I'm sure buy some more clothes now that we know it's a boy)  There's a cute baby furniture store opening in Niles, Michigan this weekend and me and Shawn are planning on taking a look around. 

Shawn started coming down with either a cold or the flu yesterday.  He's felt awful all day today.  The guy he works with on third shift, told him he could go take a nap because it was obvious how sick he was.  He doesn't want to miss any work right now for obvious reasons.  If he's not better on Saturday, we won't be going anywhere this weekend.  Poor guy got stuck working six days this week.  I'm sure he wishes that it had been last week since he's sick now.

I'm putting this clothing guide at the end of my journal for the people who know me and wanted this information.  And for myself as well.  When it's on the internet, it's kind of hard to accidently throw it away.  It's how old the baby will be during these months. 

0-3 :: June-September

3-6 :: September-December

6-9 :: December-March

9-12 :: March-June

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Ultrasound Picture

That first ultrasound picture is really creepy looking in my opinion.  It looks like something out of a scary movie.  I can just imagine them showing the picture in the movie and then later on the kid comes out and kills them all.  haha

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It's A....

Well, I'm using blue because the ultrasound showed it's a boy.  Don't ask what my thoughts on that are, I just don't know yet.  That's probably because Shawn's been rubbing my  nose in it since we found out.  Everything looked good though.  The baby is growing just like he should be.  I don't know yet about my placenta, I have to wait for my doctor to get the results.  He kicked throughout the entire ultrasound.  He was facing at a really bad angle so we weren't able to get very good pictures of his face.  The one that came out the best looks like something out of a scary movie.  Very creepy.  I told Shawn that u/s picture would go in the BACK of the baby book.  haha  Now we've got to worry about picking a name.  Yeah right.  It'll be forever before we can agree on something.  Also, I've had to figure out what I want the nursery to look like now.  I had this great quilt and blankets picked out if it was a girl.  It was a dark red and had flowers, butterflies, snails and mushrooms all over it.  Even Shawn thought it was cute.  Boy stuff just isn't as cute as the girl stuff.  Well, it's time to get him up for work.  Just thought I'd let everyone know how it went.

Steph :: I tried emailing you but it says that you're not accepting emails.  Talk to you soon


I've been looking at cribs for the past few hours.  I can't seem to find anything I really like.  The ones that I do like are either WAY expensive or you can only buy them online and I"m not paying s&h on something that big.  There's one at Walmart that's ok but I'm not in love with the color.  I didn't realize how many years a baby will actually be in a crib until last night so now I'm a little more picky about which one I get.  I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep today before nine.  I may not even bother trying.  I have to be up by 1:40 so that I can make it to the ultrasound on time.  I'm a little nervous about it.  You never know when they'll say something is wrong.  Plus, hopefully we'll find out the sex today.  I'm REALLY hoping for a girl but I have a feeling I'll hear boy or that they can't tell because of the way the baby is laying.  I don't know how people have babies without finding out the sex.  It'll be such a pain to buy nursery stuff if we don't find out until it's born.  Well, I'll try to remember to get on here and let everyone know what we find out later.

Monday, February 14, 2005

My boring life

First of all, Happy Valentine's day to everyone.  Me and Shawn really don't "celebrate" this so called holiday except for maybe a card.  I feel like if you're going to do something romantic for someone else, it shoudn't be on an appointed day or because you think if you don't, you'll get in trouble for it. 

We haven't been doing much lately.  With Shawn working third shift, the only time we really get to see eachother is on the weekends.  On the weekdays he sleeps till four or five and then has to leave at seven so it doesn't leave much time for anything except to feed him and he takes a shower.  It's making it easier to save money for a down payment on a house though since we don't go out to eat as much or spend money on stupid crap during the week.  We were going to go see the movie Hitch this weekend but I really didn't feel like sitting in a movie theater for two plus hours so we just rented a couple of movies and watched them at home.  I can't wait till the rooms are built upstairs for when the baby is born.  I'll have something to do then, even if it's just moving furniture in and arranging it all.  I've been REALLY bored lately and I think I'm starting to feel that whole nesting thing.  I've thought about taking up scrapbooking or something like that but I think it would only keep my attention for a short period of time.  I tried doing a puzzle but it didn't have all the pieces so I quit.  I'll let you all know how the ultrasound goes tomorrow after we get back.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Same as usual

Nothing much new lately.  My ultrasound is next week.  I hope they can tell whether it's a boy or girl.  It would really help with buying stuff.  I want to put together my glider this week sometime.  I know it's soon but it'd just be nice to have it out of the box and it'll be one less thing to put together when I'm huge.  We have so many things left to buy, it's just ridiculous.  I'll be six months pregnant in just under two weeks.  It doesn't seem like I'm that far along.  I hope once the baby is born I lose the weight in a timely manner.  So far it's all in my stomach and chest so I don't think it'll be too much of a problem.  It'll just be getting my abs back to their normal size. 

I think the damned fish are sick again.  I swear I give them more medicine than any other animal in this house.  We've had two of those fish for over two years now.  I'd be a little annoyed if they died, especially since the one just got sliced almost in two and lived through that.  I'm going to try using aquarium salt for right now instead of medicating.  Usually if whatever they have isn't too serious, it'll fix them.  If I have to use medication, I have to turn off the filter and then the tank gets nasty.  Well, I don't really have anything else to say so I'm off for now. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

This is getting ridiculous

Another word to the person that continues to send emails to my mother, you need to stop this right now or you'll lose any kind of relationship you've ever had with any of us.  I don't have absolute proof that it's you but I don't need it to KNOW.  If you continue, you'll only have yourself to blame in the end.  There's only one person that calls her work by that name and it's you.  There's only one person that knows about what she put on her resume and that's you.  Grow up and get yourself a life because I've about had it.

Anyways, the dogs are constantly giving eachother the evil eye.  We had a small fight yesterday, no one got injured so it's considered small.  I've been going crazy trying to figure out the reasons behind all these fights recently.  To relieve my own stress I've been putting together a puzzle.  It's a cheap one so it's missing some of the pieces but it's not a big deal.  Well, not much new once again.  Only 14 more days till my next ultrasound!!