Friday, October 29, 2004


This will probably be a pretty short entry.  I'm not feeling real great today.  I'm still having the morning sickness.  I've decided that will never end.  LOL  I hope I'm feeling better this afternoon so I can go to the store without feeling like death.  I thought I was getting over this a few days ago.  I was feeling really good.  Had a little more energy and then poof, it's all gone and I'm back where I started. 

We had our furnance replaced a few days ago.  The guys said we had a gas leak from the water heater but they fixed it.  They were here all day.  When we all woke up the next morning, we were extremely sick, especially me and Shawn.  All we could smell was gas.  We called the furnance company and they said someone would be out shortly.  Well the guy find a small leak in the basement where they put the new pipes in, he fixed it and left.  Shawn went to go pay the car payment and I started to smell gas, yet again.  I called Shawn and had him come home to make sure I wasn't just smelling things.  (it's possible with my pregnancy LOL) He smelled it too.  It was coming from our oven.  This time we called the gas company AND the furnance company.  Nipsco came out and re-lite our pilot light in the oven.  We had asked the furnance guys TWICE if it needed to be re-lite since they turned off the gas and they said no because they hadn't turned off the gas to the oven.  Idiots.  I spent the rest of the day feeling like crap.  The next day we found my rabbit, Sage and one of the parakeets dead.  The guy that did the estimate is supposed to come out and "see how things went."  I'm going to tell him EXACTLY how it went.  Shawn even told them that I am pregnant and that's why we needed someone out for the gas leak immediately.  Well, I'm going to get off here and lay down for a while.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Just Whining

I've decided I AM NOT made to be pregnant.  Either I've got morning sickness and don't move off the couch or I feel totally depressed and don't move off the couch.  I just keep telling myself I'm almost to the second trimester, it'll all get better soon... only to get worse again.  I was supposed to make my OB appointment yesterday but since I couldn't sleep the night before, I didn't get up today until the office was closed.  Soooooo, I suppose I'll call them this morning since I'm sure to be awake.  I never feel like I get to see Shawn anymore.  This entire week I've been on the couch.  I was able to sleep in our bed maybe one night.  Plus, he keeps taking one of his friends home from work (his car is broken down so my BF goes and picks him... do  you think anyone would ever do that for us??) and it makes him get home all the much later than he usually does.  He's going onto first shift in a week.  That should be interesting.  I wanted him on first shift but not till the baby is born.  Since that isn't till May 26, he's a little early.  I just thought it would be nice if he was home during the day after the baby was born because I would have someone to help me.  I'm just really frustrated right now.  The animals are driving me crazy.  I haven't been able to take care of the litter boxes, which drives me crazy.  I like things done, when I want them done.  I don't like to wait for someone else to do it for me.  Plus, since I've been on the couch, Shawn's had to take care of my rabbits too.  I needed to get parakeet food LAST weekend and still haven't gotten it.  I'm definitely going this weekend.  They've got food but I don't like to be completely out.  Well, I'm going to go and pout for a while. 

Monday, October 18, 2004

Itsy Bitsy Tiny Little Mouse

Morning sickness is hell.  The last couple of days I have wanted to throw up, but it never seems to happen.  We were supposed to go to a haunted house with some friends but I just couldn't go.  Last night, when I was feeling better, I had some pizza.  I didn't start to feel sick again until I had some popcorn at 1am.  Apparently, the baby's not a fan of salty, buttery foods.  Who would've thought.  LOL  So right now, I'm still feeling awful and probably won't fall asleep for a few more hours.  I was whining to my mom on the couch around 4am, when one of our cats, Smokey went flying across the room.  She had caught a very small mouse and was playing with it.  I just couldn't let her kill it.  If it was going to die, then it was going to die someplace warm and safe.  I eventually caught him under the table.  He's now in my cricket cage.  (Obviously, there's no crickets in there though)  He can't be very old.  He's a very tiny little mouse.  I think he might actually live.  He was pretty lifeless when I put him in the cage but now he's jumping and trying to get out.  I set him free outside in a few hours if he's still doing good.  He'll have a huge barn full of hay and probably many other mice.  If he gets caught by a cat out there, at least I know I gave him another chance. 

I noticed that I've started to show a little bit.  It's only a matter of time before my clothes don't fit.  Oh well.  I'm going to go check on my little mouse and get some water. 

Friday, October 15, 2004

Very Annoyed

Today has not been a great day.  My hormones must be going completely crazy today.  Everyone annoyed me, even if they were only breathing.  The dogs made it a major point to do all the things they aren't supposed to and make as much noise as possible.  Shawn hasn't gotten home yet so I can't blame my moodiness on him... yet.  I spent the evening tracking down forms for Medicaid in Indiana, plus some other forms that take care of pregnant women's medical bills.  A girl I talked to today, says that if I go and have the test done at the health center that it'll speed up the process of getting my insurance, therefore getting me into the doctor's office sooner.  Some people seem to think I'm farther along than I am.  I thought I was at about 4-5 weeks, they think I'm at about 8 weeks and a day.  That's a lot farther along than I thought.  One of the girls had her last period the exact same time I did and she's due May 26th, 2005.  They say the doctor goes by the first day of your last period and not the conception date or the date you ovulated.  She goes to the doctor tomorrow and is supposed to tell me what her doctor says about all that.  I hate looking for all this crap in the first place.  I was told that if I don't have the pregnancy test done that it'll take 45 days to get approved or not but if I go and get the test that it'll take about 10 days. 

Me and this new bird are not getting along.  She seems to be just happy as can be as long as I don't mess with her in any way.  When I go to pick her up, she throws a fit and usually poops all over the place.  She's spent the day searching for sunflower seeds in her food dish, she won't find any, I removed all birdie junk food from her cage.  I got her out today and put her on the bed with some small foot toys and she pooped big time.  She walks up to the dog before she'll walk up to me.  Plus, she keeps biting me.  I'd like to thump her on the head but you can't do that with parrots.  Too bad because she REALLY bites down.  Many people give different opinions on how you should handle a bird that bires.  Some say yell, some say ignore it.  You name it and they've suggested it.  Well, I'm going to take my pregnant butt to bed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tuesday Newsday

Got my bird this weekend.  The bird fair was rather small compared to the ones I'm used to around here.  Which I thought was strange because it was in Chicago.  We did name her Mabel.  She's a little neurotic bird.  She doesn't climb or fly through her cage, instead she takes flying leaps from one perch to the next.  Unfortunately, she was on a partial seed diet and now it's a pain in the butt to get her to eat her regular food.  The breeder that I got her from was really sweet.  He gave us a bunch of toys for her cage and swings. 

Today, I got an email from a friend.  His wife and I, don't really like eachother.  There's no real reason for us not to like eachother, we just don't.  After doing a small amount of research today, I realized that we never would.  She's not the type of person I would normally be around.  Which makes it really hard for me to understand why he married her in the first place.  He and I are so much a like that I would think he would marry someone like "us."  It's just weird is all.

The pregnancy is going well so far.  I have no idea how far along I am.  Anywhere between five weeks and eight weeks.  I still have morning sickness.  I'm almost always hungry and no matter how much I eat, I never feel full.  And I'm sleeping ALL the time.  I sleep from 10-14 hours every night.  It's ridiculous.

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Bird Fair this weekend

This weekend I'll be going to pick up my new senegal parrot.  I think I'm going to name her Maybelle.  I'm not completely sure yet though.  I like to have the bird around for a few days to get an idea of her personality before I name them.  I'm going to meet the breeder at a bird fair in Chicago.  WooHoo, bird fair!!!  Shawn's never been to one of these and I think he's going to freak.  It's a bird person's paradise.  I can't wait.  I think I'll have a few extra bucks after I pay for the bird too, so maybe I can get a little shopping in.  I'm a little nervous about getting a baby bird since I'll be having an infant in the house in less than nine months but I already put the deposit down and it's non-refundable.  Plus, I'd be pretty disappointed if I wasn't able to get this bird.  It'll work out, it'll just be a little extra stress after the baby is born.

I've been getting more and more tired everyday.  I wake up and two hours later I'm already ready for a nap.  I've been forcing myself to stay awake though because it's so hard for me to sleep at night.  Yesterday, I had to remove Leuka from the bedroom again.  He started with the diarrhea.  I've wormed him several times in the last six months but I noticed he was infested with tapworms when he had his accident.  So I wormed him again.  In a week or so, I'll bring him back into the bedroom and see how he does. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Guess What

Sorry it's been a few days since I last wrote.  I had to email my friends and family first before I could tell ya'll what's been going on.  On Thursday, I found out I am pregnant!!!!  Don't ask how I feel about it because it's different every five minutes.  In the beginning I was excited and couldn't wait, now there's a little bit of that and being terrified of just about everything.  From how my life is going to change from here on out, to how I'll be able to care for a baby.  You name it, I've worried about it.  I've had a lot of morning sickness.  No vomiting, just nausea.  Many trips to the bathroom to pee.  A lot of eating.  LOL  Hormones have been going crazy.  One second I'm happy, the next I'm crying over some completely stupid commercial, and then I'm yelling about something.  It's a nice little roller coaster for the people I live with.  I'm making my first OB appointment tomorrow.  Oh yeah, I'm between 3 and 4 weeks.  We're not real sure and probably won't be until I go to the OB.  I'm going to have a website that has all the baby stuff on it and I'll put the link on here as soon as it's functioning.  That's all for now!!!  I need to get some sleep.  I'm always tired now too.