Saturday, November 29, 2003

Another one?!?!

We have yet another baby goat!!!  This one is a little boy.  He's a cutie!  His mother has decided that she doesn't want him nursing so he's staying in the house for now and being bottle fed.  The other mother was more than willing to take him on as her own and she just might get her way in a few days.  He was born just 3 days after his "sister."  What a week! 

I think I'm finally starting to get over this cold or whatever it is or else I'm just taking enough cold medicine now that I can't feel anything anymore.  I hope I'm getting over it, I can't take much more coughing this week.

Went and did some day after Thanksgiving shopping.  What a mess.  Those people are nuts!!!  I don't know if I'll ever, EVER get up to go shopping the day after again.  We had left the house by 6am and there were already people lined up at stores that didn't open until 8am.  Of course we thought we were the smart ones, staying nice and warm in our car but then once we got inside, which was immediately after the doors were opened, all the items that we wanted were gone.  So we went to Walmart and got basically the same thing, just not on sale.  Well, that's enough from me tonight, going to go sit in front of the humidifier and hope for sleep. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

We have a baby!

Well, we got a Thanksgiving surprise!!!  Yesterday I got an email from the shelter, we have a baby goat!  We were unsure as to whether or not some of our goats were pregnant and I guess we got out answer!  She's a lovely little white doe.  Mother and baby are doing very well.

I had a relapse with this being sick thing and didn't get to go to the shelter yesterday.  I awoke feeling like my chest was caving in.  I think I'm finally getting over it now though.  On Monday I got to meet the new arrival, Trace the border collie.  He's adorable and so sweet!  Absolutely not what we were expecting.  He just needs to be taught how to be a dog now since he's been in shelter's all his short little life.  I also met the black kitty that came in over the weekend.  I've never seen a more beautiful black cat.  He looks like a little panther.  I am definitely going to the shelter tomorrow (thanksgiving day) no matter how horrible I'm feeling.  If I can make it to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving then I can make it to the shelter.  I just wish this 'cold' would go away already so I can get back to everyday life.  Off to bed now!

Monday, November 24, 2003

Animal Radar

I swear, sometimes I think I have kitty cat radar or something.  They always seem to find me some how or another.  DH went to the gas station this evening and on his way home, he called my cell phone.  He said that there was a tabby striped kitty living at the gas station and that he gave the lady that works at the gas station my cell phone number in case she needed to find a shelter for him.  *Sigh*  I was on my way out the door at that time to make a run to Walmart.  All the way there I kept feeling more and more guilty for not immediately running up to the gas station to take this little kitty.  You see, it's rather nice in Indiana right now and we haven't yet had any REALLY cold weather, so the animals don't have much of a winter coat on yet but by Thanksgiving it's supposed to get really cold out, snow and all that good stuff.  On the way back I told my mom that we were gonna make a stop at the gas station just so I could talk to the lady.  We get there and I told her I was worried about the upcoming freeze and she agreed and I told her I'd be more than happy to take him tonight and then take him to the shelter tomorrow.  She said that'd be great, except I don't know where he is right now and haven't seen him for a few hours.  No sooner does she say that than a customer pulls into the station.  As he walks up to the door, out of nowhere, here's this stray kitty.  The guy tries his hardest not to let the cat get in and just when he thinks he's home free, he sneaks in the door.  I grab him up before he can get five feet into the store.  I told the lady that she could call me if she wanted to know how he was doing and if he'd been adopted or not and then I was on my way.  Thankfully, the only thing that's not great about this cat is that he hasn't been neutered.  Well, that's easily fixable, literally.  He's actually a HUGE cat, you just can't tell from the pictures.   Now, I'm off to bed, I actually get to go into work tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have stories to tell tomorrow.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

A Calm Day

Not much new today.  Spent the day Christmas shopping and relaxing!  I don't care for the Christmas shopping part though.  I'm not much fun in a crowd of people.  I went to clean out the foster kitties kitty litter boxes and decided to move things around in their inclosure, only to find out that they've been spilling their water repeatedly and now there's mold under the litter box.  I spent a lot longer cleaning out that cage than I thought I would need to.  The girls were happy though, they got to roam around while I was busy.  We bought some kitty toys for them as well today.  They're growing so fast!  Even the momma kitty seems to have gotten bigger.  She has an eye infection right now that isn't clearing up very quickly.  The first picture above is Claire and the second is Minka.  Minka is the momma cat.  Can you see the runny eye?  My youngest foster, whom was feral when I first took her in, has ringworm.  I don't know why I always end up with the ones that have ringworm.  This is my third cat in a row that has ended up with it though.  All of them had it on their ears.  Poor baby is loosing hair on her ears like crazy.  I hope everything is going well at the shelter.  We were supposed to get in a dog and a cat today but I haven't yet spoken to anyone at work so I have no idea how that went.  When I'm not there I'm always wondering how things are going and when I am there I'm wondering how MY animals are doing at home.  I have this deep fear that one day I'm going to leave home for work only to come home later on that night to find out my house has caught on fire and all my animals were stuck in the house.  I'm constantly wanting to call the house just to hear the answering machine so I know that everything is still ok.  For all you people out there, adopt an animal!  Things are going so slowly right now and not just at my shelter.  I've noticed a lot of the area shelters are moving animals slower than usual.  When  you're in rescue you keep up with all the other rescues around you and you try to keep a good relationship with all of them.  Well, I'm going to relax some more and maybe even play some video games, which I don't do very often but what the hell, it's a weekend.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Just another Day

Well, I made it into the shelter today for a little visit.  One of our dogs is going home tomorrow.  Unfortunately, he got into a fight with one of our permanent dogs and now has a rather large gash right next to his eye.  His new owners aren't worried though and will probably take him to the vet first thing Monday morning.  We got in two new geese.  I'm not real fond of geese myself.  The ones we have right now are rather mean but the two new ones don't seem so bad... yet.  We moved our rabbits into the barn while I was sickly.  It's going to be a pain to feed and water them come winter though.  The turkey seems to be doing a little better.  He's getting around on that foot a little better than he was on Monday.  I just hope he keeps getting better and doesn't suddenly go downhill.  That's my boy up above.  We're getting a new volunteer on Sunday.  She does parrot rescues.  I would love to have an African Grey myself.  In other words I'm going to be kissing this lady's butt the entire time she's volunteering for us.  (the reason I say the entire time, is because most of our "volunteers" come once a year and then we don't hear from them for another year)  DH would kill me if one day I came home and said 'Hi honey, look at the rather large bird I've brought with me.'  He's not real in love with my cockatiel as is. 

We won't be taking in the yorkie or one of the border collie's now.  The border collie is being fostered somewhere else and the yorkie's owners decided that they wanted to try and make their relationship with the dog work.  We will still be getting the black cat.  He's the same cat that the people said just to run it over.  Hopefully, his little sob story will get him adopted quicker. 

I'm trying to learn how to cross stitch.  We have a raffle coming up in December and I was going to donate two of these things to it but I have no idea what I'm doing.  Hopefully by the middle of Dec. I'll have figured it out and have them both finished.  I'm off to bed now.  Christmas shopping tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Much better now

Well, I'm feeling much better this evening.  I think I had a very bad cold.  I could hardly get up out of bed yesterday and then poof, today I'm feeling almost 100%.  The body is a very strange thing, that's for sure.

At any rate, at the shelter it's going to be getting busy.  This weekend we'll be getting in 3 dogs, one yorkie and two border collies.  Lucky for us, one of the border collie's is a little on the crazy side.  We always end up with the nutty ones.  I think we'll be taking in that black cat as well.  I'm going to try and get up there sometime this weekend. I don't think there's anything else new.  Oh well, until next time...

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I'm sick

Ok, I woke up from my very long (13 hours) nap and I'm definitely coming down with something.  You ever wake up not feeling well and no matter how old you are, your first thoughts are 'I want my mommy?'  That's how I'm feeling today.  I just want someone to do everything that needs to be done for me and then feed me while they're at it.  Hey, a girl can dream can't she?

Onto another matter, DH decided to call the vet himself today, apparently my explanation wasn't good enough for him.  They were very rude to him, claiming that he is not taking good care of his dog.  Um, excuse me?!?!  My animals all get the best care possible.  Most of the time they're fed better than I am.  It was one of the older woman at the clinic and she always seems to be in a mood so whatever.

Tomorrow, because of this cold or whatever it is, I will not be able to go to the shelter.  So, unfortunately, there will be no shelter news from me tomorrow.  Hope all is going well where ever you are and that you're not feeling sick like myself! 


Well, I just got off the phone with the vet's office.  Why didn't they try and tell me something I didn't already know???  Here's how the conversation went.... Office: Blah Blah Vet Clinic How can I help you? Me: Hi, I have a question, my dog was in there for a spay last Wednesday and she seems to have some swelling.  I'm not sure if it's a cause for concern or not.  It's at least the size of a golf ball. Office: Has she lost any stitches? Me: Yes, she lost 3 just yesterday.  I've been counting them everyday and she had seven up until I got home from work. Office: Sounds like she's been too active.  You should bring her in today.  I don't know if they'll replace the staples or not though. Me: Well, it's not the staples that I'm worried about, it's the swelling.  I've had dogs loose their staples before.  Office: Yes, well if she's lost her staples that could cause tearing inside.  You should definitely bring her in today. Me: Ok thank you. End of conversation.... Tell me something I didn't already know!  And how exactly am I supposed to that lady when my DH is at work with the only vehicle we own?  Hmmm, are you gonna come pick me up?  Now I have to find a way to get Mia to the vet today.  It's almost 8am and I STILL haven't been to sleep.  I'm mentally kicking myself for taking her to the nice cheap vet.  Ok, ok, so it's probably NOT the vet's fault.  *Sigh* How the HELL do you keep a border collie calm???  Someone please tell me that. And to add to my lovely morning, I think I'm getting sick.  I'm hoping my lungs are just playing a nice little trick on me and I'll wake up feeling tired but halfway healthy.  Otherwise, from the sound of those babies, I'm in for a nice run with bronchitis soon.  Don't you just love winter in Indiana?  For those of you who live in nice warm places and wish you got snow where you live, don't.  It's pretty for all of two and a half seconds and then it's just cold, wet, frozen rain drops.  Ok, I'm done ranting now.  Maybe DH will call me back soon so I can finally get some sleep!

Not Enough Time in a Day

Some days there should be more hours in a day, you know?  I have so much to do and I know I'll never get around to doing half of it.  DH's 8 month old border collie, Mia, got spayed last Wednesday.  When I left to go take care of the turkey, she had 7 staples, when I got home she had 4 1/2.  I say a half because I had to remove one that basically just hanging there and causing more damage than anything.  They said, 'try and keep her calm.'  Anyone that has ever owned a border collie knows that there's no way in hell to keep them "calm."  There is no calm for a BC.  There's run, jump, attack, play and eventually sleep but there's definitely NO CALM!!!  Now, I have to call the vet in the morning because she has a bulge at the surgical site that's at least the size of a golf ball.  We have enough money for gas in the bank right now and I have to take the damned dog to the vet.  See, even an animal rescuer is allowed to call it a damned dog.  I'm hoping it's the dog's fault (aka MY fault) because if not, the vet is going to hear about it over and over again.  After I call the vet, there's kitty litter pans that need cleaned, animals that need fed, bunny pans that need cleaned and a cockatiel that has a dirty cage at the moment.  And that's MY house, not the shelter!  I'm sure I'll find some excuse to put the less important things off till the next day.  I'm the queen of "I'll do it later."  Right now though I have to go tell DH that his darling puppy (puleeezzze!  hey who you calling jealous?) needs to go back to the vet's office. 


Why must there be such idiots in this world when it comes to animals?  We got an email today from a woman who found a cat.  She happened to find this cat at another person's house, asked the person, is that your cat.  They said no and she asked if she could take it.  They told her that she could run it over for all they cared.  They didn't want it on their property because it was a BLACK cat.  Stupid superstitious people!  Thankfully, she took the cat home with her.  He is the cat pictured above.  Unfortunately for us, if we decide to take this cat, there's the small problem that it IS a black cat.  Most people overlook black cats for the flashier kitties and many black cats end up at shelters for years, despite how wonderful of pets they could actually make.  I should know, I'm fostering 2 black cats right now and haven't gotten one damned application on them yet. 

Turkey day

Last night, I got an IM from one of my co-workers, we'll call her BDB.  The turkey has an abcess and someone should watch over him throughout the night.  I grabbed a pillow and a change of clothes and waited for my ride.  Did I happen to mention it was 2am?  I spent the night watching over little Bubby and writing bios for the shelter's website.  They had cut open his foot earlier in the day to let some of the yucky stuff drain and hopefully allow him to heal.  Morning comes after being woken a thousand times by the howling dogs, and poor Bubby has an abcess on the top of his foot as well.  So, me and let's call her Raot, decide to open up the top of his foot as well.  A very nasty, smelly chunk of puss came out of the poor babies foot.  Unfortunately, Bubby never felt the incision, not a good sign.  He should have been screaming like crazy.  We'll have to wait and see if my poor little turkey will make it through.