Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Another boring one

I got up early today, thinking I had a doctor's appointment.  I must be having a lot of blonde moments lately.  My doctor's appointment is tomorrow.  I reminded Shawn that we had an appointment today a good ten times, only to wake him up this afternoon and tell him I was wrong, again.  So tomorrow we'll get to see if there's been any more changes.  I'm seeing a different doctor than I have for my previous internals, hopefully it'll be a little less painful.  I can't believe there's only ten days left till my due date.  Just seems crazy to me that it's already been that long.  Everytime I get any ache or new pain, I think uh-oh this is it.  So far I've been wrong about that too.

We got the primer paint on the walls this weekend.  Now we have to clean the room out and paint everything.  It's going to be REALLY yellow.  We won't have the nursery blankets and stuff for a while though.  I had to order it online last week and it said it could take up to eight weeks to deliver.  I'm not worried about that though.  He can't use the blankets or even the bumper till he's at least six months old.  Before then there's too big of a risk of suffocation.  It'll be nice to be able to start setting everything up though.  We also got the rest of the baby stuff bought over the weekend.  We just need some curtains/shades for the windows and some more diapers.  Once again, we had a pretty boring weekend.  We went out to eat with Paul on Friday and that's about the extent of it other than the shopping.  Well, I just thought I'd let everyone know I'm just lazy and haven't written in this thing over the weekend, not in labor.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Walk-in Appointment

Had my 38 week doctor's appointment today.  At least I thought I did.  Apparently, my doctor's appointment was TWO DAYS ago.  Whoops.  I could've sworn it wasn't till today.  They were able to fit me in anyways though.  And I got in sooner than I normally would have.  It was a little bit embarrassing.  I felt like an idiot.  At any rate, the doctor did an internal.  (OUCH) And we're 1cm dilated and he says pretty thinned out.  (I'm going to take that as 50-60%) He says I'm doing really well considering this is my first pregnancy.  He also said that the baby seems to be of normal size and not too big.  I got the numbers from my glucola test today too.  Too high is 140, my score was 135.  That was a close one.  We have another appointment on Wednesday of next week.  It was supposed to be on Friday but I had it changed because I don't want to see the other doctor.  Shawn looked a little more nervous when the doc said we were dilated.  It's really starting to hit him that there's not much time left. 

We'll start painting the nursery this weekend.  It's a long weekend so we should get a lot accomplished.  In a perfect world anyways.  We're also going to be buying whatever baby stuff is left on our list this weekend.  And I get to have my haircut.  I want to do it before he's born because I don't know when I'll have another chance. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


A few of these at the end are a little graphic just so you're warned.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It looks like the pictures are going to have to wait till at least tomorrow.  I didn't get a chance to upload them all today.  For the past few hours I've been sitting on the footstool part of my rocker, hoping to start my labor.  (I don't want to go to the OB Thursday... I'll be getting another internal) I was told that rocking motions can help get the baby's head lower.  It's the same as using a birthing ball.  (yoga ball) Not much new in the last 24 hours.  We took the Jeep to get some things fixed on it that the place agreed to fix before we bought it.  Shawn had to go pick it up today.  We also had them do the brakes just because Shawn didn't feel like doing them right now.  He usually does all the work to his cars unless he feels lazy.  Well, I'm making cupcakes right now so I'd better get back to them otherwise one of the animals will get to them first.

Monday, May 23, 2005

We're boring people

Woah!  Only 18 days LEFT until my due date.  I swear the last time I looked at that counter it said 100 plus days left.  Must breathe and not freak out.  hee hee whooo hee hee whooo.  I'm sure I'll go into labor in the middle of the night or when no one is home.  I like my sleep so I'd be more annoyed if I woke up to labor pains than if no one was here. 

Not a very eventful weekend.  Shawn bought a '97 Jeep Cherokee so that I'll always have the car with me.  After we sold the truck we were a little worried about only having one vehicle.  I'm not a fan of his choice but I've got the '99 Grand AM so what do I care.  Me and my mom spent most of Saturday shopping for flowers.  (I was secretly walking in hopes of bringing on labor) You spend all day looking at tons of flowers only to bring home a couple of them.  I got two rolls of film developed yesterday.  I'll be posting some of the pictures today or tomorrow depending on when I have the most time.  (mom took them to work with her today) I have dial up so it takes and eternity to get them all on here.  Wow, it really was a boring weekend.  By now I would've went shopping for summer clothes but unless I want to buy a ton of maternity stuff that I can only wear for short time, then I just have to wait.  Oh and some of the pictures I'll be posting are a little graphic.  They're pictures of Molly and Cody's injuries. 

Friday, May 20, 2005

Full Term

I've been a big whiner today.  I keep telling Shawn it's not fair that I'm sick AND nine months pregnant.  I sound like a two year old.  My poor brother has a huge white spot above his uvula. (the hangy ball at the back of your throat) It looks really uncomfortable.  I noticed today that I was getting some spots in the same place.  I hope it's just a coincidence.  I've gotten those before when I was sick and never noticed any pain with them.  I woke up this morning feeling a little better and then felt like crap later and now I feel almost fine.  My body keeps making me think I'm better and I get my hopes up, only to realize I'm still sickly. 

The baby is REALLY feeling low today.  If I sit on the floor, sometimes I swear he could touch the ground through my stomach if he kicked hard enough.  He's been squirming nonstop for the past few days.  I wonder if he feels sick or if he's just being a snot?  I hope he's not too big.  Everyday he feels bigger and bigger.  I'm worried he'll turn out to be a ten pound baby and I know there's no way he's coming out any way other than c-section if he's that big.  After my glucola test came back high, I did cut back on sweets.  I hope none of it effected him anyways and it was just a fluke that my levels were so high.  I constantly feel like I have to pee now.  It's similar to having a urinary tract infection.  I run to the bathroom even if I was just in there and there's nothing there.  It's really frustrating when you wake up in the middle of the night and think you have to pee and you don't.  You walk all the way down the stairs in the dark only to get there and think great now what.  I won't miss that part of pregnancy. 

Today I'm 37 weeks pregnant.  That makes the baby technically full term.  At least we know that no matter when I go into labor from this point on, he won't be a premie. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sick house

I. Feel. Like. Crap.  I make it nine months before I get sick... NINE MONTHS.  I slept horrible last night.  Between waking up to pee and waking up just because I felt like crap, I probably only got a couple hours of sleep.  Every time I woke up, I'd be up for an hour or so.  Plus, when Shawn came to bed, he decided to call the dog up with him (I think he was cold) and she stretched right on my belly.  I had the window fan on high (it dropped under 40 degrees last night) and the ceiling fan on and I still woke up sweating every time.  I'm sure to a normal person, it was freezing in there.  I swear if I go into labor sick, I just might murder someone.  I came downstairs and immediately told my brother that I no longer like him... only to take it back a minute later when he croaked out an apology.  Kind of hard to not like someone when they sound sicker than you are. 

Last night sucked for me and not because I was sick.  It was completely depressing.  Some of my extended family members seem to have no filter between their brain and mouth.  My aunt and uncle came by yesterday to give me my baby shower gift.  (which I'm almost positive she went and bought last night) I HATE it when people touch my stomach, unless it's one of the people I live with that is.  I don't feel like my mom, brother or Shawn is invading my little personal bubble.  Anyways, the first thing she did was touch my stomach and no matter how many times I tried to politely back away, she continued to follow me and touch my stomach AND poke it.  My uncle proceded to tell her that I DON'T want her touching my stomach and she told him, no pregnant women like it.  No. They. Don't.  I finally got away and in the house.  When I was putting Mia in the crate (for some reason she wanted to eat my uncle, which is very strange, most dogs like him) she commented on how FAT I am.  If I didn't love my uncle so much... let's just say I have a LOT of dirt on her and could've very easily made her life hell.  But I wouldn't do that to him.  I just went back to sitting on the couch and gritted my teeth through the rest of their visit.  I basically ignored her from that point on and talked to my uncle.  I was SO glad when they left.  Later on, my brother came home from his dad's and had told me that he had a package there for me.  It was from my aunt and grandma on my dad's side.  First of all, they mailed it to his house, like I don't have an address.  That really irks me.  I live HERE.  I wonder if they'll continue to send things to my dad's after me and Shawn move out.  At any rate, all the little outfits were very cute and then I got to the card.  On the inside was a small note.  It said the usual stuff, can't wait, hope you like everything and then she offered advice.  I felt like I was 12 years old and they feel like I have no business having a child because I'm a complete idiot.  She told me to make sure to remove the tags because it could scratch the baby's skin.  And that I should be careful when picking out a name (EVERYONE knows we already have a name but aren't telling until it's born) because he could get teased and that he's the one that should be proud of his name.  To me that's saying that it's obvious that since I won't tell them the name that it must be something absolutely awful.  I told Shawn I want to pack up all the people that I care about and actually like and move somewhere far away.  We could have our own little lives there and I wouldn't have to deal with all these relatives that seem to like to hurt my feelings.  I've had several other instances in the last few weeks where someone makes me feel like a child and that I couldn't care for a kitten let alone a baby.  As if I have no common sense at all.  The person I seem to get the best advice from is my animal rescue aunt.  She has no kids so you wouldn't think that she'd have better advice than someone who has ten of them but she does.  She also a lot more tactful that most of these other people.  Maybe it's just because we're so much alike that I take her advice so well.  Who knows.  I'm sure everyone will think I'm overly sensitive but it's hard not to be when you get the same comments day after day.

Matt, our horse farrier, came out on Monday to trim the horses hooves.  We all stood outside and talked to him for about a half hour after he was done.  It's nice that the weather is getting more comfortable, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to do that.  He's always got somefunny story or another to tell about his work.  He says he does between 15 and 25 horses a day.  That's 15-25 times that he could get his head kicked in.  At least that's what I hear when he says things like that, Shawn hears dollar signs.  haha

We had another dog fight over the weekend.  *sigh* It was two of my dogs.  My aussie is getting up there in her years and I really can't have them attacking her anymore.  I hope getting April fixed will calm her down.  Right now I'm keeping them both completely seperated, hoping for them to forget.  I tried letting them outside together a few days ago and April got huffy and tried to fight with her again.  Poor August has several punctures on her head and her back is totally bruised. 

I've got to go wake up Shawn now.  That guy is going to be here doing drywall again.  He's having a colonoscopy tomorrow so he's going to be in our bathroom every five minutes.  He's 31 and they're worried he might have cancer.  I hope I don't have to go get more toliet paper.  I pee a lot you know.  =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Baby Shower

Half the house has come down with a cold, at least I hope it's just a cold.  I'm sure I'll catch it in a few days.  One of my fears when I got pregnant was that I'd get sick and THEN go into labor.  How are you expected to push something out of you when you're sick? 

We have a guy coming today to fix the drywall.  Paul really did a number on it.  This guy is supposed to know what he's doing.  I just hope he doesn't manange to screw it up worse.  I'd really like to be done with drywall and all the building crap. 

I had my baby shower over the weekend.  It was exhausting.  It's not easy to sit there for two hours, smiling the entire time and then being the person that everyone is supposed to be talking to.  I felt like a monkey (or a hippo) at the zoo.  We got a lot of crib sheets (which we desperately needed), my mom got us our baby swing that I wanted and many other things.  I'm just not much in the mood to write today I guess, otherwise I'd list everything.  I made cupcakes with blue and white frosting.  We had blue and white balloons, blue and white m&m's.  The table cloth, plates, cups and napkins all had babies on them with different sayings.  One of my aunt's wasn't able to come due to a story she's doing, she sent her husband as a stand in.  You'd think it would've been awkward, having a guy there with all those women, but then you'd have to know my uncle Perry to know that it wasn't.  They're going to come back when the baby is born to take pictures.  (they're both professional photographers and take much better pictures than I ever could)  My uncle could've won every prize that was there for the games but he fudged all but one of them so no one would know that he'd gotten ALL the answers.  One of the girls asked if we had a name for the baby and if we were telling anyone the name.  My uncle claimed he could guess if I gave him the first letter and the amount of letters in the name.  I refused.  I know he would've guessed it even though it's not a common name. 

I have so many emails to write.  I just haven't been in the mood to sit here and write them.  I basically have just been wanting to lay on the couch all day except for the occasional bout of nesting.  I really need to get on it today though.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Nothing new

I recently recieved a book in the mail from my aunt.  It's a memoir about this woman's first year with her newborn son.  It's terrifying.  It's a great book, very funny but all the while terrifying.  There's many nights when she's been sitting with her son and he's been crying for well over four hours.  FOUR HOURS?!  I think I'll go insane.  I don't know if I could face that every single night.  I surely hope I don't have a colicky baby.  (please, please, please) I know I'll be one of those mother's that has awful thoughts about hating her newborn.  How can any sane person not think those things after four hours of constant crying?  My mom seems to have taken having a newborn in stride, either that or she's lying.  I hope she's lying, otherwise, my mom really is superwoman.  I keep telling myself it'll be fine.  I have a huge support network around me, especially since we live with my mom.  I've got Shawn, his mom and many other relatives that would be willing to help if asked.  I guess it's every woman's hope that she won't HAVE to ask.  I know there's days right now that I wish I would just go into labor but I think if I did, I'd try shoving him back in before the doctor knew what I was doing.  There's nights NOW before he's even born that I think what the hell am I doing?  Last night I was in terrible pain for several hours and it was HIS fault.  I couldn't help but think that when he gets the flu for the first time that I would secretly smile because I feel after all this, he almost deserves it.  Maybe if he was a girl, I wouldn't think that so much.  I'd get to look forward to the pains SHE would go through during pregnancy.  I think that would subdue my evil thoughts for a while but with a boy, he never has to deal with that.  If he ever gets a girl pregnant, he gets to sit back and relax at least until the baby is born.  I think that's a bunch of crap.  The girl should have to be pregnant for so many months and then she can pass the baby off onto the man and he can be pregnant for a while.  That seems fair to me.  Hell, I'd even volunteer womankind for the labor process. 

We've had threats of bad weather all day.  With seven dogs, it's not easy to keep them all inside and have things go SMOOTHLY.  Since Snoopy, our 85lb lab mix, is so terrified of thunderstorms, I decided to let everyone in.  Snoopy is also a world class pain in the ass.  He climbs onto the tables when no one is looking, jumps on the counters and steals whatever food may be availible.  We have a crate that is large enough for him but we've never trained him in it.  Today I decided to start.  I had too much stuff to do to sit around and babysit the dog.  Imagine, a VERY pregnant me trying to shove this VERY stubborn dog into this crate.  I'm sure it was very amusing.  Thankfully, the only witnesses were the other dogs.  He whined until I gave him a treat, now he's sleeping.  I'm afraid to actually leave the house though in case he tries to escape.  Thankfully, the other dogs have enough sense to let him alone.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Nine months

I'm still finding it hard to comprehend that at some point and time, I am going to go into labor and this wiggly thing in my stomach is going to want out.  I don't even think about that.  I say things like, it's so and so amount of days till my due date but it doesn't really mean anything.  It's going to be a shock when it actually happens.  My brain is screaming, you can't do this, figure out how to get out of it, call in sick!!!  Call in sick?  Yes, I know but that's what I keep hearing.  Like if I say I don't feel like it today that I won't have to do it when the time comes.  There's a part of my brain that is in full panic mode and is searching for any possible means to avoid going through labor.  It does the same thing when I have to go get a shot or blood drawn.  I usually give in, at least for a week or two, when its something that simple.  I'll officially be nine months tomorrow and one week from full term.  Yikes.

We were going to go to a race up in Michigan this weekend but with the way the weather is looking, I'm thinking we may just stay home.  Don and his wife said they couldn't go so the only other option was to go with Paul and his girlfriend.  That makes the whole idea even less appealing.  I really hope he breaks up with this girl before the baby is born because I REALLY don't EVER want her around my kid.  I don't care if he can't understand what she's saying, eventually he will be able to and I know he'll be able to tell that MY mood changes when she's in a room.  I just can't see him being with her forever and if he is, well then he's not as smart as I thought he was.  I wish she could see herself and realize that the way she talks is not "cool" and she seems to be the only person that thinks it is.  There's times when I wanted to go to OTHER people's tables and put my hands over their kids ears, just in case they were within hearing range.  Well, I should really do something productive.  My brother stayed home today (didn't wake up to his alarm) and I'm sure by the end of the day he will have trashed the living room.  I just cleaned it last night so that's wonderful.

Monday, May 9, 2005

My weekend

It should take me a while to write this entry.  A little while ago, I went to put the senegal parrot in another cage.  She's normally fairly handtame but does have her bouts of being quite a mean bird.  Today when I went to pick her up, she bit into my finger and wouldn't let go.  She ended up biting through my nail and into my finger.  I can only imagine how that nail will look when it finally grows out.  (the bite is where the nail initially starts growing)  I don't know what I'm going to do with her.  She screams all day.  She used to only scream when one of us left the room for a moment or two and she'd usually stop.  Now she screams even if we're sitting right next to her cage.  The only relief we get is to put her in another room and leave her there.  I'm thinking of moving her into another room permanently but I'm worried that once the baby is born, her screaming will wake him.  I just don't know how much longer I can stand to deal with the constant screaming.  It'll come down to getting rid of her or moving her. 

We ended up going out with Paul and his girlfriend on Friday.  I was not exactly friendly.  I didn't want to go in the first place but both me and Shawn knew that Paul wouldn't give up until we had dinner with them sometime during the weekend so we decided to get it over with early on.  I was grouchy, the restraunt was unbelievably HOT and that made me feel sick to my stomach.  All I wanted to do was leave.  I think she made one or two attempts to talk to me but I was pretty much silent the entire night.  It's hard to get Paul to understand that at almost nine months pregnant, I'm not always going to want to be polite or even tolerable.  Men are idiots sometimes.  Shawn seems to understand pretty good what I'm going through with all the uncomfortableness that goes along with pregnancy.  Paul on the otherhand, seems to just think that I put on a little weight and that's it.  We (me and shawn) want to go to a race up in Michigan this weekend but we didn't want to go alone.  Paul already knows we're thinking of going so if we don't invite him and his girlfriend, he'll be upset.  On the otherhand, we could go with another couple and actually have a good time.  We seem to be gravitating more towards people who have children and are trying to start their life, rather than the ones that have no idea where they're going.  We also had Paul over on Saturday to help with the nursery.  (me and my mom went shopping)  After a few hours, Shawn called me and asked if me and my mom wanted to get something to eat.  (I made sure there would be no girlfriend tagging along, otherwise I would've prefered to starve) We ended up going out to get Mexican food.  During our meal, Paul's gf called and he explained to her that we were eating and he'd call her after we left.  I swear, within ten minutes of getting in the car, she text messaged him asking him if there was something wrong because he hadn't called her all day!  He was with her the entire day EXCEPT for the three hours that he'd been with us.  We ended up dropping Paul off at a gas station to meet her.  She looked quite pissed.  We tried calling Paul later on in the night and he acted like if he spoke to us for more than a minute that he'd get in "trouble."  If that's the way it's going to be after dating some girl for a few weeks then he can spend every weekend with her and we'll go over to our other friends houses.

Me and my mom went to Walmart yesterday and I was going to get some maternity capris.  The only thing I've worn during this entire pregnancy has been sweatpants (black so they look a little like dress pants) and a pair of khakis.  I had forgotten how large a pair of capris can make your butt look.  I almost started balling in the changing room, Shawn called at that moment and I bit his head off for no reason.  (later I said I was sorry if that makes any difference!) I ended up getting a pair of black shorts.  I didn't remember that I felt bigger than I was in capris even before I got pregnant until we were almost home.  That made me feel a little better.  Shawn bought me a cute shirt and that made me feel a lot better.  =() Nothing that a little shopping couldn't cure.

Friday, May 6, 2005


I don't have any energy at all today.  It's these stupid pills I'm taking for the nausea.  They're supposed to make me tired WHEN I take them but they're making me groggy all day long.  I didn't take them the night before last and I felt fine the next day but I was worried that I would start to feel sick again (these things seem to revolve around the weekend) and took one last night.  I don't think I'll bother with them anymore until I actually feel sick.  I don't like feeling like a zombie. 

Paul keeps trying to get us to go out to eat with him and his new girlfriend.  We went out with them once and I swear I don't think I can do it again.  The girl is just very trashy and I can't stand to listen to her mouth.  I TRIED to find something to like about her, anything but she made it really hard.  The entire dinner she kept making sexual type comments towards SHAWN.  Of course, the guys acted like it was no big deal.  After talking to Shawn though, he understood where I was coming from and that she was way out of line.  I don't want to have to come right out and tell him that I don't like his girlfriend and would prefer not to "double" date with them so I've just been saying that I haven't felt well.  (sort of true)  One bonus of being pregnant, you can blame anything on it. 

Monday, May 2, 2005

Doctor's Appointment Today

We had a doctor's appointment today, finally.  Two weeks is a long time to wait when you're worrying that there's something wrong.  They did the group B strep test.  I was NOT warned ahead of time that this was the appointment that they'd be doing this test.  It would've been nice to know though, rather than walking into the room and being told to strip from the waist down.  After explaining to the doctor all the symptoms I've been having, he decided to do an internal exam to check for dialation.  There's been no dialation thankfully.  It was VERY painful.  I dread the last few weeks of pregnancy because I'll have one internal exam done weekly till he decides to be born.  Doc also put me on a prescription for the nausea.  He thinks I have morning sickness... again.  It's being made more severe due to the acid reflux that I have.  (I take pepcid for that)  I'm taking half a tablet of Phenergan at night.  It's supposed to make me sleepy.  Maybe it'll get me past that hour of tossing and turning due to the restless leg syndrome.  (something I had pre-pregnancy but never knew there was a name for it till I got pregnant and read it in one of my books)  He told me that my glucola test came back borderline.  They didn't seem to think I needed to go back for more testing though.  Just that I should cut back on my sweets and pasta.  (basically the ONLY things I eat on a regular basis... I had a candy bar for breakfast today and lasagne for dinner) I guess that means no more sour gummy worms for a while.  (my latest candy obsession) Well, I'm going to go get comfy and watch tv till it's time for bed. 

Also, baby has dropped and is in the head down position.  No breech baby here!