Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Subject's Suck Sometimes

Ah ha, I updated more than once in a week.  ; )  Today was pretty boring.  We removed a tumore from a gerbil.  Price of a gerbil: five dollars... Price of gerbil tumor removal: 300 dollars, watching as the surgery takes less than ten minutes: priceless.  I can see already that I'm going to be butting heads with a few of the girls that work there.  One of them is a vet that almost everyone doesn't like and avoids working with.  Yesterday, one of our vet tech's got a call at work that her brother-in-law had attempted suicide the night before.  He's ok and everything.  Today she was in Chicago with her family and BIL.  While she was away, said vet decided to make fun of the, and I quote, "pyscho."  Some of you, if not all, know that several years ago, my best friend actually commited suicide so joking about it and making fun of someone who attempts it, is not a bright idea around me.  I kept my mouth shut but now I wish I'd have bitched her out.  The way our clinic works, there's no one person that can fire you, it's a commitee of people and this vet isn't on the commitee.  There's also a lot of behind the back shit talking about my friend.  I've only been there three weeks so I don't know whether I should say anything to her about it or not.  I know the things the girl is saying aren't true but I don't know if everyone else does or not and if they don't know, then I think Kim has a right to set them straight.  We're supposed to use our "mentor's" for this stuff but I'm not a two year old and I think I can handle my problems on my own.  I don't like the girl that started on Monday at ALL.  I worked ward this morning, she worked it yesterday, so I was the first one to see all the mistakes and half-assed work she did.  The biggest thing, she almost burned down the hospital.  Now every idiot knows (unless it's male, they don't know anything usually) that you always empty the lint trap before using the dryer.  Well, she either was too lazy to do so or didn't know.  When I went to start the dryer this morning, I emptied the lint trap, only to find that it was so full that I could barely pull it out of the holder AND that it had a hole burned through the center of the lint.  BIG no-no.  I plan on saying something to Kim on Thursday.  It's not the hospital that I worry about, it burns down, we have insurance and can build a new one but when people's pets stay there overnight, it's very unlikely for them to survive a fire in the middle of the night.  No amount of money can replace a pet.  I could literally bitch about some of the women I work with for hours.  I try not to think about it too much while I'm at work, that way I don't hate my job because of them or kill them.  But I've already started getting short with one of them so I'm sure we'll get into it soon and have to have a talk with the mentor's and talk about our "feelings" in a "non-threatening" manner.  Right, that always works.  Well, I'm going to finish up stuff around here.  Tomorrow is Shawn's birthday and also my first payday.  Woohoo.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Updating ya'll

Once again, I'm sorry for not updating more.  I've just been so tired when I'm not at work and on the weekends I barely touch the computer.  The job is going well so far though.  I started in out patient today.  I didn't get to do much since it's my first day working one on one with the human part of the client.  The past two weeks I've just been working with the animals and rarely got to meet their parents.  I have to memorize all the questions that need to be asked when they first come in and all that good stuff.  I'm also learning how to use the computers.  Everything has to be entered, whether it be something as big as a spay/neuter or just getting them some frontline.  Of course it can't be easy.  You can't use the good ole mouse to get to the things you need.  You have to use a lot of enter and tab keys.  I also have to learn all the number abbreviations for the drugs, which is proving to be harder than it sounds.  There's a lot of numbers to remember along with all the other info they put into your head all at once.  I would have rather learned the computers before I even thought about going into out patient.  It would make things run a lot more smoothly than doing them both at once.  That's something I'll have to bring up at our next staff meeting.  This is going to be a very short entry.  I'm so tired and have spent most of the last hour just catching up on emails that needed reply's.  I'm soooooo far behind on all my journal's that I used to read daily and now has become more of a weekly thing.  I'm coming home daily with new bruises and scratches.  Many that I have no idea where they happened.  The bruises today I am positive about who gave them to me.  A big black lab that had no manners.  He continued to jump on me throughout the entire time we were talking with the owner.  I have bruises from him on both my arms and legs.  It looks like I've been in a mild car accident or something recently.  I hope I don't break anything or need a trip to the doctor because he'll send me to a woman's shelter for battered women.  Ok, I'm off to bed now.  Something I've been dreaming of since I got up at 7am this morning.  Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:50am.  I hate mornings.  *Sigh*

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Sorry I haven't written since last Tuesday.  It's not been the best week for me.  On Thursday I came home and Shawn told me that while I was at work, my dog had killed my little Ellie, the senegal parrot.  I was on my lunch break and called work to see if it was ok if I called off for the rest of the day.  Of course I got into a small bit of trouble the next day but there was no way I could go back to work after that.  I spent most of Saturday balling my eyes out over my little bird.  I still feel like I'm in shock.  I keep expecting to whistle and hear her across the house calling back to me.  She was in a temporary cage while we painted my bedroom.  Normally she would've been in a large cage that there's almost no way that the dog could've gotten into but instead, to keep her from the fumes, she was in my mom's room in a smaller cage that wasn't very stable.  My dogs had never even paid the least bit of attention to her so I wasn't worried about it her safety too much.  I was more worried about the cats getting to her. 

Work is going well so far.  I enjoy most of the people I work with.  As with most places, there are a few select that I don't really care for, none of them being the other assistants.  Tomorrow, I'll be there by myself in the morning.  I'm still stuck in the ward for most of the rest of this week.  I can't wait till I'm in outpatient.  The ward is very boring and you're alone most of the day.  Everyday when I finish in ward, I'm allowed to follow the other assistants around in outpatient so I can get an idea of what I'll be doing soon.  This week I'll be taking some tests that I have yet to study for.  I'll have to take all my paperwork with me tomorrow and read it during lunch.  I get a two and a half hour lunch everyday while I'm in ward, since I have to come in so much earlier than most everyone else.  We had to put one dog to sleep this week due to liver failure.  I wasn't involved with that.  We've had a few odd cases.  One cat who appears paralized in one of his rear legs but there doesn't seem to be any evidence yet as to why he's having that problem.  Another dog is having seizures and continues to shake much longer than she should after the seizures have ended.  I almost passed out on Wednesday.  I saw my first cathedre.  I was holding a cat while they took his temp and he was in so much pain from the cath that I ended up with my head in between my legs and pretty much stayed that way for the next hour.  The gross stuff is getting a little easier for me to handle.  I'm just taking it day by day.  Well, I've gotta get up early for work so I'd better call it a night.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Long Hours

Well, today was my second day at the vet clinic.  So far I haven't gotten to do a whole lot.  It's been a lot of paper work and things I need to read.  Tomorrow I start in the ward, which is where we keep all our boarders and animals that are sick but not contagious or critical.  I have to be there at 6:45am.  Talk about early.  I have to leave forty five minutes early or else I'm late to work.  It's a small drive for me.  We'll start by walking all the dogs, feeding and watering everyone, cleaning out the runs, cleaning cat cages and litter boxes and then giving any medications that are needed.  It's going to be a really long day.  I work till close at 5:30 and we usually don't get out till six.  I get a two and a half hour lunch so I'm just going to come home for a little while.  I soooo wish we didn't have to be there that early.  That's my hours for the next two weeks until I start on out patient.  Well, I'm going to go now.  I need to get ready to go to bed.

Friday, August 13, 2004


I. Got. The. Job!  I start on Monday.  I'll work a halfday on Monday and Tuesday and then work a full schedule from then on.  I'm a little nervous about the amount of hours involved but I'll just have to try and grin and bear it.  Today went by fairly quickly so hopefully it won't seem like I'm working those long hours.  I'm also not a fan of getting up that early.  haha  I'll be surprised if I can even sleep Sunday night and Monday night.  Tomorrow I have some more interview type stuff I have to do that will take most of the morning/early afternoon.  I have a friend that I need to apologize to for that but I can't risk losing this job.  Well, I've gotta get in the shower.

Short and Quick

Just a quick update on how my interview went today before I pass out.  I have yet to go to sleep since yesterday.  I got there way early so I sat out in the drizzle for some time.  We took care of some patients and I followed the other vet assistant around everywhere.  I swear, I'll update more later but I need some sleep.  I found out that out of 200 applications, they're down to two people for the job and I'm one of the two, the other girl comes in for her interview this afternoon.  Let's hope she does terrible and doesn't get the job.  I feel a little bad about thinking that but only a little.  It's like I'm on one of those reality tv shows and it's now down to the final two on the show and I'm sitting there going, 'How the hell am I in the final two?'  Well, I'm going to nap now.  I'll write ya'll more later.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Hungry, bored and blah

Well, in a matter of a few hours I'll be back at Magrane.  I've decided not to go to bed since it's going to be so early.  I know I won't be able to fall asleep and then if I do, I'm worried that I'll sleep through it.  I'm so hungry.  I wish that we had some food in the house.  Tomorrow's store day so today, we starve.  LOL  Maybe I'll find something to eat before my interview.  I don't know what I'm supposed to wear.  I know I'll probably be cleaning cages and that sort of thing (which I thought I'd be doing every single interview) but I don't want to go in there looking sloppy and be wrong or vice versa.  I've pretty much run out of "interview" clothes.  I don't have any scrubs yet so that's out.  Well, I'm off to catch up on everyone's journals!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Magrane... Again

Picture me, nice and warm, sleeping in my bed.  Very content.  Suddenly the door opens and my mom is telling me to get up and answer the phone.  So much for being content.  I try my best to make my voice sound as though I've been up for hours.  It was the Magrane vet clinic.  Now, since it was ten in the morning, I wasn't exactly jumping up and down over the phone call.  She told me to be there on Friday at 7:30am for ANOTHER interview.  I have to show them that I can do all the things my resume says I can do.  Clean cages, restrain animals, nothing major.  She said I'd be there for at least two hours.  These interviews are getting longer and longer.  I'm starting to get a little annoyed with them all too.  They need to just hire someone already.  Sheesh.  Well, I'm going to go see what there is to eat. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Horses

The Cats

The Dogs

My Lovely Family

Shawn and Myself

I figure, since you've heard so much about him, I'd better start adding pictures of Shawn.  As most of you know we've had our ups and downs and with any luck we'll have more ups in the future.

A Few Adult Me Pic's

A Growing Me

The Picture Day

I got to thinking about it today and realized, I haven't posted many pictures in a long time and very few of them have been of my family and pets.  So I'm taking upon myself today to go crazy with the pictures.  I hope you all enjoy them.  I know I've enjoyed searching through them all and seeing all those memories.  Many of these pictures have a lot of meaning to me and my family.  I just hope they don't decide to kill me for putting their pictures out there.  Sorry in particular to my mom, who hates to have family see her pictures, let alone the entire internet world. 

2nd Interview at Magrane

Mood :: Very sleepy

I got very little in the way of sleep last night.  I had to get up at 9am to call the vet and let her know that I would definitely be there at 2:30, and to find out what the interview would entail today.  She told me I'd be interviewed by several different people, a vet tech, one of the vets, herself and a vet assistant.  I get there right about when I was supposed to, a few minutes early.  It started with Kim, as usual.  She gave me a few tips on what they were looking for in my answers.  Mainly to show that I'm empathetic towards the whole process, the animals and people.  She left to get the tech, Jenn.  I don't think the tech really cared for me, for whatever reason.  She asked me a few very brief questions and I don't think she even really listened to my answers.  Then, doc came in.  I really liked him.  He was very easy to talk to and just seemed like he really wanted me to get the job.  ; )  Big plus for me.  We talked for quite a while.  He asked the usual interview questions;  What do you believe you can bring with you to Magrane?  Where do you see yourself in five years?  etc., etc.  At the end of my interview with him I decided to bite the bullet and asked him what he thought my chances were of actually getting this job, considering I don't even previous veterinary experience, other than my volunteer work and no schooling to speak of.  He said not to doubt myself and that my chances were really good.  He said my medical background, considering I don't have previous employment experience or schooling, is excellent.  And that he believes I'm applying for all the right reasons.  He told me that even if I weren't to get hired at Magrane that he strongly recommends that I continue putting in my resume and applications at other vets in the area.  He said it would be sad to see my talent go to waste.  Woohoo.  Then he went to get the next person to interview me.  She was in charge of asking all the questions and figuring out if I was mentally cut out for the position.  She had a paper with 47 questions on it and she said you can interpret them how you want and that she could in no way help me with the questions.  She read them all aloud to me and I answered them as best I could.  I think I did pretty well inthat area too.  I got her to smile quite a few times and even got a laugh or two from her.  Then she told me someone would be calling me probably in the middle of the week.  Now it's more waiting to see what's next, whether I get hired or have to have more interviews.  Oh yeah, I was the only person they had scheduled for second interviews this week and I was the first person they called for a second interview.  Ok, Ok, I really need to get some sleep now.  Zzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzz

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Busy, busy, busy

Today was a lot more eventful that I had previously thought it was going to be.  Me and Shawn were supposed to go out with one of his friends from work, out bowling.  I, personally am not a huge fan of bowling... well mainly because I suck at it.  We played a few games and ended up having a lot of fun getting my ass beat by two boys.  LOL  Afterwards it was still early and I think me and Shawn both felt a little bad if we were to leave Toby that soon.  So we went out to a bar and played pool.  Now, pool I am very good at, if I do say so myself.  At least compared to most girls.  I won two of the three games that I played in and only lost the last game due to a scratch on the eight ball.  By then it was almost midnight and I was getting pretty hungry.  When I get hungry, I'm like a toddler, I get very cranky and tired.  So we ran up to Pizza Hut before they closed and grabbed a large pizza for the three of us.  We all went back to Toby's and ate and I got to play with his many cats.  Of course, me and cats go well together so I was in kitty cat heaven.  LOL  I knew the boys were planning on playing some video games and figured I'd end up bored to death.  Instead, we all ending up laughing our asses off for the next four hours, even though Toby was the only one consistently winning.  By 4:30am, me and Shawn decided it was time to make our exit and head home.  So much for a few games of bowling and then going back home.  LOL  It was nice.  A very relaxed evening.  And it was all under 30 bucks for hours of bowling and pool shooting.  Not bad at all.  Well, I'd better head to bed.  It's past six and I need to get up at a halfway decent time in the afternoon.  LOL 

Friday, August 6, 2004


Magrane Vet clinic called today while I was at my PetSmart interview.  I get a second interview with them!!!!  I'm supposed to be in on Monday at 2:30pm!!!!!  I'm soooooo excited!!!!!!!  Now let's just hope I make a better impression than I previously did.  Oh yeah, and the petsmart interview went well I suppose.  She wants a cashier and I said I don't do the cash register thing.  Mainly, because I fumble with the money and get easily flustered.  She was really nice though and said she'd try and find me something on the floor and if not then there's a new store opening soon that she'll send me to.  But who cares about that?!?!?  I got a SECOND interview!!!!  I ran around the house like a crazy person when I got that message.  lol  Can't you tell?  Now I just have to get through the weekend and then I get to see what happens from there.  I ALMOST stopped at the vet's today too, since I was out that way.  Now I almost wish I had.  I'm so excited now.  =)  I'm going to go try and calm down now.  LOL


I'd like to ask you all to take some time to visit the new journal I've added; Hestia Academy for Young Wild Women   Whether she's speaking of her many losses or sending out the Vulva of the Day, she's worth the time to read.  I know I'll be checking in with her daily till she decides that journaling isn't something she wants to continue.  She's a wonderful lady and always speaks from the heart.  And of course, she has the occasional wacky pictures.  ; )

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Calling all Managers

I've been trying since Tuesday to get a hold of the woman from PetSmart and have failed everytime.  I seem to "just miss" her by a few minutes or so.  This time though, she was out to lunch so hopefully if I call here in a few minutes, she'll actually be there.  Still no word from the vet clinic.  I wish they would call, even if it was just to say, sorry you're not getting it. 

The 4-H fair is this week.  I wanted to go all year and now I don't think I'll get to.  I haven't wanted to go to the fair in years.  I just love the smells and the booths.  But, since I don't have a job and became broke before I could go, it looks like I just may be waiting till next year. 

Well, I'm off to make my phone call.  Maybe I'll be more interesting when I come back?  Then again, maybe not.  lol


I have an interview tomorrow at 3pm.  She says that she didn't think I'd be coming back for an interview, whatever the hell that means, so I have to fill out another application.  Hey lady, I'm more than qualified for this job so why wouldn't you have called me back for an interview.  On the really downside of things, she didn't sound real friendly at all.  Maybe she'd just eaten too much at lunch???  Yeah right.  There's two chances in hell that I would ever get a paying job with a nice boss.  *Sigh*  I just have to tell myself to get over it, that's life and everyone has to deal with the same shit.  Now let's pray that the vet calls ASAP so I don't have to deal with this woman at all and I can do what I love to do.  Everyone, cross your fingers real tight now!  LOL  Well, that's it for me.  I suppose I should go eat something and maybe even shower. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Decisions, Decisions

I got a phone call yesterday, from PetSmart.  I was asleep so my brother took a message for me.  I spent the rest of yesterday trying to decide whether I should call them back.  I don't like to waste anyone's time more than I like my own to be wasted.  I'm still waiting to hear back again from the vet's office.  My interview went so-so, in my opinion.  She told me that my resume was excellent and my qualifications were excellent but I still don't feel all that great about the interview itself.  She said she'd call at the end of this week or the beginning of next.  More than likely, PetSmart is offering me a job, since this is the second interview and I'm more than qualified for it.  I don't want to take the PetSmart job, only to have to quite in two weeks and start training at the vet.  Plus, I could end up with several more interviews at the vet before I know anything.  Now, I'm just sitting here going what to do what to do.  I guess I should take the advice that's already been given to me and take the PetSmart job until I hear back from the vet.  Maybe I'll tell them I can't start till a week after the interview.  I did call PetSmart today by the way but the lady who called me, wasn't at work today so I'm supposed to call her tomorrow between 8am-6pm.  As always, I'll let ya'll know what's going on. 

Everything is fine on the animal side of things.  All of my cats have a cold.  It's like trying to sleep to a very bad rap song.  Sneeze, sneeze, cough, sniffle.  It knocks them out for a few days but after a week, they'll be about 100%.  The kitty with the hurt leg, just continues to improve.  Well, I'd better turn off the computer.  We're expecting storms shortly and god only knows what I'd do if I couldn't get online.  LOL