Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I've been searching petfinder and other sites looking for signs of the perfect dog.  I'm by far not over Anikin.  We had him for a weekend but I think it'll take a long time before I stop crying over him.  We'll probably head back to the Humane Society next week or the week after.  I'll be up there tomorrow or Friday to visit with Anikin.  He was in holding for three days before anyone could adopt him or see him otherwise I would've been there sooner.  I should have pictures of him by the end of the weekend and I'll post them shortly after that.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


We adopted a dog on Friday, Anikin.  His cage tage said boxer/akita mix, he's quite obviously got pitbull in him.  He's a great dog.  He LOVES Jasmine, is good with our dogs, is great in the bathtub.  Everything would be perfect, if we didn't have cats.  We will be taking him back to the shelter tomorrow because he literally tried to eat one of my cats.  I feel like I've failed him and them.  When I worked at the shelter, I always felt like people had just given up on trying to help a dog, but there's no changing him.  He's completely obsessed with the cats.  I've only ever seen one dog more obsessed with something than he is, luckily that dog doesn't try and kill the things he's obsessed with.  (guinea pigs)  He's just such a great dog in EVERY other way.  I fell in love with him before we even got him home.  It will be extremely difficult to leave him tomorrow.  I wish there was some way to help him and keep him at the same time but I don't want to be responsible for one of my cats dying either. 

Pictures from July

I just got these pictures from July developed... we're a little behind on our developing...

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I'm doing something I said I would never do again.  I'm going shopping the day after Thanksgiving.  Yikes.  I'm not good in crowds.  I'm not good with people period.  I figured what the hell.  Can't beat 'em, join 'em.  I wasn't planning on going but my mom said she wanted to go for something that'll be on sale so why not.  Afterwards, me and Shawn are going to buy our first Christmas tree.  My uncle thinks it will die before Christmas.  It better not because I really don't want to have to take down all those decorations and put them back on another tree.

Oh and STOMP was great.  It was different from what I expected.  It was funny at some parts and they had the audience interact by clapping once and a while.  I never thought that rubber tubes could sound beautiful.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Shawn and I are going to see STOMP tonight.  I've wanted to see it for years but have only recently talked my husband into being a little more cultural.  I would be more comfortable going in a long sleeve shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, at least physcially.  Mentally however, I would be critiquing my own outfit against those around me.  Normally, I don't care what others think of what I wear.  I'm fairly confident about myself and my appearance.  The only place I feel out of my element is at the theatre.  A few years ago, Shawn took me to see the orchestra on Valentine's day.  I had only been to the theatre on school trips at that time.  I had no idea what was expected of my attire.  I believe I wore jeans and a nice sweater.  After standing and waiting for the doors to open for about a half hour, a girl standing near me said I thought you were supposed to dress up for this thing.  I was mortified.  I felt like white trash.  I wanted to sink into a hole.  But I stuck it out and enjoyed the night a great deal.  I will never forget that girl's comment though.  (I'm not sure if it was about me or not but I FELT like it was) So I'll wear the stiletto's and the black pants if only a way to feel more comfortable before the lights go down for the show. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Being normal

Well, last week I posted that Jasmine goes to sleep between 6-7am.  THIS week however, she is getting UP at 5:30am.  She's dealt with the change quite well but I'm still having trouble getting used to it.  I'm falling asleep without any problems now but I'm just not used to being up allllllll those hours.  We get up at 5:30am and she goes to bed at around 7-9pm.  Maybe it just seems longer to me because it's during the day instead of at night.  I don't hate being up during daylight hours though.  I've never liked being a night person but I've never been able to get on a different schedule.  Now, as long as Jasmine keeps this schedule, I will be forced to. 

I usually don't post those test things that I take online but I am fascinated with ink blots and thought maybe other people out there may want to take a look at them as well.  I think it's ironic that it says I have a good imagination because I've always thought the opposite.  Ask my mom about some of our road trips and she may disagree with me.  =)

Sunday, November 5, 2006


Take this test here::
Jamie, your subconscious mind is driven most by Imagination

You have a deep desire to use ideas to change the world around you. This drive influences you far more than you may realize on a conscious level.

You love to brainstorm and imagine new possibilities. The world is a fuller, richer place because you can contribute new ideas to any experience. Your natural curiosity inspires those around you and encourages them to come up with ideas they wouldn't have discovered without your help.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

Friday, November 3, 2006

The usual

So much for sleep... so much for flu shots.  Things were going pretty normally last night.  Well, for us.  Jasmine usually starts to get ready for bed around 4-5am.  Yes, I said BED at 4 in the morning.  I'm a night person, so she turned into a night baby.  I could tell she wasn't winding down as the night went on.  She wanted me to read goodnight moon to her over and over again.  Then she wanted me to read the runaway bunny AND goodnight moon at the SAME time.  Interesting.  She threw up a little bit early in the night.  More like baby spit up than throw up.  (she was never a baby who spit up by the way)  Then around 9am... when I was becoming quite exhausted... she threw up several times in the kitchen and decided to play in it... I was in my bedroom with the door open and wasn't immediately aware that she was doing anything unusually.  Today was the first time I cleaned up someone's vomit other than my own.  You don't realize how long the smell sticks around until it's NOT your vomit.  I might as well have been sprayed by a skunk.  She didn't seem to phased by any of it though.  Again, no fever, and wasn't acting like she was sick.  She finally fell asleep sometime around 10:30am.  I had called off going to the doctor by then to get my flu shot at 2pm.  There was no way I was getting out of bed with three hours of sleep just so I could get stuck by a needle and possibly pass out.  After we woke up, me and my mom went to Walmart and bought Over the Hedge and Milo and Otis.  Over the Hedge was a very cute movie, what I got to see of it anyways.  Jasmine is still enthralled with her magic ability to turn on and off the television.  She uses this talent mainly while watching movies. 

My dad is supposed to be coming over tomorrow.... at some point.  He bought us a cheap truck so that we have two vehicles and wants to drop it off on his way home from watervaliet, MI.  I have no idea when he's supposed to be here so I may or may not decide to stick around and wait for him. 

Thursday, November 2, 2006


I haven't had much time to get online this last week or so.  Jasmine hasn't been sleeping well... so I've been sleeping even worse.  She acts fine all day and then as soon as she falls asleep she gets a fever and wakes up on and off all night long.  Sometimes she's up for several hours, other times I read her a story and she's back to sleep.  I've had a sore throat for several days but no fever or anything so I think it's just an allergy thing.  I don't understand why she has no fever during the day and then spikes one of 102 shortly after falling asleep.  It just doesn't make any sense.  She's taking a nap right now and normally I would be passed out next to her but I'm not too terribly tired right now.  Tomorrow I'm going to get my flu shot.  Shocking I know since it took till I was six/seven months pregnant to get my blood drawn, something that should've been done several times by then.  I really don't want to have the flu really bad and have a toddler at the same time so I'm going to take the momentary panic that sets in the second I realize "it's" actually happen.  Shawn called my doctor today to make sure that I can get the shot somewhere other than my arm and they said I can have it anywhere I want it.  So my left thigh will be taking the brunt of the needle. 

I'm still conflicted about having more children.  I know I want to but there's this other part of me that wants to devote EVERYTHING I have just to Jasmine.  I don't want to have to share myself with another child.  But I also know I'll regret it if I don't have more children and I know no matter how wonerful Jasmine's life is, she'll always have wanted siblings.  Most people don't want to get fat and have to go through labor and delivery but I loved being pregnant (except for the morning sickness) and I even enjoyed the delivery and everything, after the epidural. 

At any rate, Halloween went ok.  Jasmine was tired so we didn't go everywhere we had planned but she got m&m's and lollipops so she's quite happy.  Oh she was so cute today.  I had Shawn go get me a frozen coke for my throat and told him to bring her back a small one and when she realized it was all for her she walked around carrying it and looking so proud of herself.  It's funny.  When I was pregnant I said my child won't have pop until she's at least four.  I said there's no reason for a child that young to even know the taste of pop.  It started in the summer.  It was REALLY hot out and I didn't have anything for her to drink except a frozen coke.  She's been hooked ever since and we've guiltlessly indulged her.  The little girl has us both wrapped around her little finger.  She's already so spoiled but she's soooo sweet too.  She'll walk up to you and it looks like she's going to smack you in the face (a phase I believe she is growing out of) and instead she caresses your cheek.  How can you deny her anything when she does that?