Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Baby Steps

I really haven't had much to write lately.  I had a cold last week and spent as much time washing my hands as sneezing to prevent Jasmine from getting it.  She started on cereal the day before yesterday.  She acts like she's always been eating and makes very little in the way of messes.  She's able to roll over... and over and over now.  The past two nights she's slept in her crib, not all night but it's a start.  The first night was for five hours and last night for three.  She'd probably sleep there longer but I'm not exactly agreeable to that when I've just been woken up so I just put her next to me and feed her till she goes back to sleep.  She has a doctor's appointment on Friday for more shots.  Well, I'm off to find something to eat.  I'll try to keep up on writing.  I just haven't much felt like it lately.

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