Thursday, December 2, 2004

Doctor's, Bills and state gov't

I figure it's been a while, I'd better write before everyone starts panicking.  LOL  I've still got a little bit of the cold.  Just the after effects.  I've been having a lot of headaches recently so it's prevented me from doing anything but laying in bed.  I think I'm starting to feel a little cabin fever.  Shawn left today to run into town to have the truck looked at and I started crying because I'm always alone here.  He's working nine hours and my mom is working ten, so it's like by the time they get home, we eat and they go to sleep.  Probably just pregnancy hormones.  I have my nurse's appointment on Monday.  I'm having my grandma go with me, just in case they decide to draw blood.  For those of you who don't know, I have a huge phobia of needles and I pass out everytime I get stuck with one.  Unfortunately, the one person that thinks it's all in my head, is the person that's going with me.  Sometimes my grandma thinks that you can make anything mentally go away as long as you believe hard enough that it's not there.  So I should just tell myself to get over it and I won't pass out from needles anymore.  I know it's ridiculous.  It doesn't hurt but I still pass out.  There's nothing I can do to control it.  My Medicaid still hasn't come through.  I left a message with my social worker today.  It's been almost a month since I was last there and I'm worried they'll make me start the whole process over again.  It makes me want to cancel my appointments because I know how much it's going to cost in the end.  I'm worried that I'll never get my Medicaid and I'll have to find a way to pay for it all out of pocket.  That's pretty much impossible.  The hospital alone is a huge bill.  I wish they'd just send me a letter to let me know what's going on, anything so I can stop worrying about it.  To top it all off, I feel like there's something wrong for some reason.  I just feel like I've stopped putting on weight and stopped feeling so hungry so there must be something wrong with the baby.  I'm sure it's just because I'm into the "golden trimester."  Well, I'm going to go find something to eat.  Oh, my mom probably loves the fact that I'm going out of my mind.  The living room has been spotless for two days.  HAHA

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