Friday, December 10, 2004

Got Medicaid??

According to the supervisor at the DFC, I now have Medicaid.  I just have to wait for my card in the mail.  We had to spend almost an hour waiting after she got my paperwork but it was worth it if I get a card in the mail within the next week.  (I was told it would be here in 48-72 hours)  So I made another appointment with my OB, since I had to cancel the one I have for Monday.  It's for December 30th at 9:15am.  I WILL have my ultrasound on that day even if it means I have to go to the hospital to get it.  I'll be five months pregnant by then.  So I have a few weeks in case DFC screws up again.  The supervisor apologized and said she was going to have a talk with my case worker.  I just think the woman didn't like me so she "accidently" lost my papers.  As soon as we got there, someone let her know we were waiting, so she packs up her stuff and leaves.  The receptionist told us that.  She was joking about it but I didn't find it to be very funny when I've been calling this woman everyday for the last week. 

Tonight, me, my brother and Shawn went out to eat at Logan's Steakhouse.  I'm usually not a red-meat person but since I've become pregnant, I've been craving it.  I got a steak, baked potato and mac and cheese, plus they give you free dinner rolls and I had three and a half of them.  Believe it or not, when we left, I was still hungry.  I'm getting ready to go find something small to eat right now.  It's ridiculous how much food I can eat now without getting close to full. 

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