Tuesday, April 4, 2006

No rest

On Friday it will be two weeks since I've had more than 6 hours of sleep in one night.  Jasmine's DtP shot and first teeth came at the same time and completely screwed up when she's sleeping.  Basically she takes a bunch of naps and one long nap right now.  Some days I feel like I'm losing my mind.  We never go to sleep before 11am.  Yesterday it wasn't till 12pm.  It gets so frustrating.  I had more sleep when she was a newborn than I do now.  We leave for Ohio this weekend and Jasmine will be coming with us.  I have no idea what's going to happen.  She could be an angel or she could turn into a monster.  She will hopefully sleep in the car on the way there.  It's about a 5 hour drive.  I hope the day wears her out enough that on Friday night she sleeps because I don't think I'll get any sleep Thursday night.  I don't know how well I would deal with her on no sleep and no end in sight.  Well, she's throwing a fit so I must go now.  Wish me luck.  Enjoy every hour of sleep since I can't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sleepless time is hard...is she sleeping with you?  It makes it easier if you can just roll over and give her the breast...

I posted lots of animal pictures on my journal today.