Wednesday, September 6, 2006


My phone line is messed up right now so until at least tomorrow, our DSL isn't working.  I'm stuck with good ole dial up.  Our house warming party went really well I thought.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and almost all the burgers got eaten.  By the end of the night it kind of looked like a grade school dance though.  The boys were all in the house playing cards while the women were outside with their kids.  The dogs were well behaved.  They didn't try and eat anyone, at least not that I was aware of. 

I was very upset to hear of Steve Irwin's death on Monday.  I tear up everytime I'm watching the animal planet or discovery since they play the memorial to him several times a day.  I feel terrible for his wife and two kids, especially Bindi, who was obviously in love with her daddy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we don;t have cable anymore, so we haven't seen any of the memorials, but you know, he died doing something that made him so happy...I just feel sad his kids won't have him to grow up with.