Monday, September 12, 2005


On top of a fussy teething baby, I now have a dog to care for.  April just got spayed on Friday.  Shawn called to find out how much the total was going to be and they said that they found something during surgery and needed to speak with me about it.  Of course, Shawn didn't ask if it was anything serious so I didn't sleep much on Friday night.  Saturday we went up there and had a really long wait.  (it's first come, first serve) When I finally got back there the doctor said that he had found a tumor on her chest that had become infected and they had to drain the fluid but that it was benign and would eventually go away with antibiotics.  That was a weight off my shoulders.  She has to be crated most of the day though since she's such a high energy dog.  I'm afraid she'll rip her staples out.  That's something I was unhappy about, the staples.  If they had put in stitches, I wouldn't have to take her back, I could've taken them out myself but I don't have the proper tool to get the staples out without possibly tearing her incision so I have to take her back on the 23rd.  It wouldn't be such an inconvenience if it wasn't such a long trip and we didn't have the baby with us.  (45 minutes one way) Well, I'd better get something to snack on and then get the baby back upstairs.  She's currently passed out on the living room couch.

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