Friday, November 11, 2005

Urgh.. Me Jamie... Me Mad

Tomorrow I am supposed to go to my dad's house because my grandma is in town.  (she lives around 400 miles away) I called him tonight at work just to double check that they'll all be there.  He's supposed to be having people over tomorrow as well as me, Shawn and the baby.  His wife and my grandma both smoke but they go outside when we're there because I do not allow smoking around Jasmine.  I told my dad before that if they were going to smoke, then we just wouldn't come over.  He said to me tonight that four or five of the people that are coming over are smokers and he was "wondering" about that.  I said what's there to wonder about and he said that he knows I don't like smoking around the baby and was wondering if that would be a problem and I asked him Can't they smoke outside.  His response was well I don't know how cold it's going to be outside.   He suddenly had to get off the phone then.  I've made it crystal clear to him that I will not have any smoke around Jasmine.  Period.  If they smoke in the house tomorrow, I will leave.  I realize that it's his house but I don't see why it's such an inconvience to pollute their lungs outside, instead of ours inside.  If I was at a friend's house, I wouldn't expect them to smoke outside but it's my dad's house and he knows that if he wants to see his granddaugther, then those are the rules.  I'm just really mad right now.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Me and Shawn went to see Saw 2.  It was just as good as the first one.  Maybe a little more gory.  That movie really isn't scary, it's just gross.  There's supposed to be a movie coming out soon called Hostel and it's based on true events.  From what I gathered in this movie people pay to torture and kill other people.  People who have been kidnapped.  That movie might scare me because it's based on true events.  Texas Chainsaw Mascre scared me for the same reason.

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