Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Miss Molly comes home

When my mom went to pick Molly up this morning, they sent her immediately to our regular vet. (still with the cath attached) Shockingly enough, our vet believed that Molly hadn't been messing with her incision.  He said it's something that is really rare and he hasn't seen it in years.  I don't know the scienctific word for it, as I wasn't there.  He said that for some reason, the abdominal wall seperates and basically pushes the intestines through the incision.  It usually happens to active dogs.  The LAST thing Molly is, is active.  She the basset hound of border collies.  Her incision looks a lot better now and feels more normal.  She was sent home with the dreaded lampshade collar but I've been removing it as long as we're with her.  The only time I leave it on is if we're leaving or sleeping.  There's no reason for her to have it on all day if she's sleeping on the couch next to me.  She was a little dopey for some of the day.  I'm assuming it was from the valium they gave her.  By the end of the day she was back to normal.  I can't begin to imagine this house without her.  I walked downstairs looking for her three times last night before I remembered she was at the ER vet.  She's a constant presence in this house.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Molly's better!  Good job at getting her to the Vet in time!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

MAybe they should put one of those collars on me so my incision would heal right. I keep popping my staples out.