Saturday, August 18, 2007

Same ole

I have an ultrasound on Wednesday.  The doc felt around a lot more than I would've liked him to and said that my right ovary is definitely bigger than my left.  We'll schedule surgery Wednesday depending on what they find.  (or what they don't) UGH!  I just don't want surgery.  It's a pain in the ass since I have a toddler.  But I can't keep dealing with this pain forever.  And it was so MUCH worse after my exam.  I think it might be the worst it's hurt since I've been having pain.  And the peeing has been worse since then too.  Stupid ovary probably got moved around during my exam and is pushing on my tubes to my urinary tract.  Quite frankly, at this point I just want them to get rid of the pain so I can start working out and get rid of the weight that I've gained in the last six months.  Everytime I try to work out it makes it so much more painful so I've been avoiding it.  I should try swimming.

My mom had her tubes tied last week.  (thursday) Friday was rough for her.  She had a reaction to the anethesia and it caused her to vomit for two days really badly.  My grandmother was with her Thursday but left Friday for my aunt's house so I stayed with my mom until she fell asleep on Friday.  I was to the point where I wanted to take her to the ER but she didn't want to move.  I would've been the same way.  They even called in a presciption to stop the vomiting but it really didn't seem to do much.  She's doing better now but is still a little sore.  Aside from the tubes being tied, everything else is the same surgery I'll be having. 


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you may have to undergo surgery.  Keep your spirits up and keep in mind after it is over you will feel so much better.  I know it is easy for me to say since I am not the one going through it.  Gee, that is terrible about your mom ~ I have heard about people who have reactions like that.  I can't imagine how bad she felt vomiting after surgery, ouch.  Glad she is feeling better.  
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I have the same reaction to anethesia which makes me thankful I've only had to endure it a couple of times in my life. Keeping you and your Mom in my prayers on the smoke! Hopefully the surgery will help elevate your pain and you can get back into somewhat of a normal life with a toddler. (Hugs)Indigo