Monday, September 27, 2004

A couch, a loveseat and a headache

Today, my grandpa brought over our couch and loveseat.  My aunt and uncle gave it to us after her dad died.  I don't know if they just couldn't bear to have a constant reminder of him in the house all day or if they just didn't want it but they asked us if we'd like it or if they should send it to goodwill and of course, we said we'd take it.  I had been wondering what we were going to sit on once we moved out of my mom's house.  That is the reason for the plastic slip cover question from earlier.  I was not in the mood to go shopping, let alone shopping for something that seems to not exsist anymore, so I was pretty grumpy all day.  What we ended up doing was buying that plastic that you nail outside your windows in the winter if you have a drafty house and we stapled it to the underside of the couch, took it over top of the couch and stapled it to the bottom on the opposite side.  Very white trash of us.  BUT we did buy a loveseat and couch "throw," a big blanket to cover up the ugliness that has become these poor couches.  The cats are definitely in love with their new, very large bed.  There are five cats laying on it as I'm typing this.  Wait, that just turned into six.  I should really go grab the camera right about now.  I think I just might!!!  I'll have some very cute pictures for you all as soon as they're developed.  I'm still in the stone age, where camera's have film and it needs to be developed of all things.  haha


Pictures have now been taken.  Just in time too, as half the cats decided they wanted to go find a new place to nap or they've decided they want to clean themselves and no one wants a picture of that.  I'm one of those people that would carry a camera with me everywhere.  One night, me and Shawn were driving in the middle of winter and in the middle of this field was a family of deer.  They're weren't the least bit afraid of us.  It would've made a great picture.  My hope is to someday own a really nice camera.  The kind that you have to learn how to zoom and focus yourself.  My aunt and uncle (the same ones that gave me the couches) both work at the Indy Star newspaper.  They're both wonderful with a camera.  My uncle takes pictures that completely capture the feeling of the moment.  Someday, I'd love to have half that talent.  Soon they'll be on Pet Star.  If you see it, it's two dogs, ones a boxer, the other a border collie (Buddy and Ringo) and my aunt's name is Jerri.  The trick was supposed to go, Buddy gets a treat put on her nose and flips it backwards into Ringo's mouth, who is sitting directly behind her.  It didn't go quite right the first time.  Ringo decided he wanted to explore the studio rather than eat some treat.  haha 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I take literally a hundred or more pictures a week!