Friday, September 24, 2004

Cats and Poisons

My cat recently started vomiting and very frequently too.  She ate a very old dead flower the other day and that was what she initially threw up.  I can't think of the name of the flower for the life of me right now though.  The only flower name that keeps coming to mind is marigold and I know it wasn't a marigold but it's like a record skipping in my brain and I can't just forget the name of the damned marigold for even a minute.  Anyways, I thought I'd look up cats and poisonous flowers, just to make sure the flower wouldn't kill her.  After reading the VERY long list (I had to look at each and every one of those flowers because I still couldn't remember the name of the flower she ate but I'd know it if I could read it) I am extremely surprised that cats have not gone exstinct before humans came along and domesticated them.  You'd think that even eating a strand of grass would kill them.  It claims even aloe vera plants are poisonous.  Well, then I must have a couple of super cats living here or something because they continually torture every aloe vera plant I've ever had until it finally gives in and dies.  None of my cats have died of aloe vera poisoning, or eating any of these other plants that they call poisonous.  And my cats have gotten to taste quite a few of them.  Remember the old days when people thought that if their dog even ate one leaf off a poinsette plant, they'd die almost upon digestion?  Now we know, they'd have to eat SEVERAL plants before it would actually kill them.  Please tell me where the hell that rumor got started??  For the longest time, I wanted a poinsette plant in my house around Christmas but my mom would never let us have one because she believed, like everyone else, that it would be the death of her animals.  While I still don't know if the flower my cat ate is the reason she's been vomiting stomach bile all over the place or not, I now feel I should have a great respect for these small critters that scientists say can't eat any living flower out there.  *rolls eyes* 


It's the very next day and before I went to bed last night, I remembered the name of the flower, Gladiolus.  It is poisonous to cats but it should only make her vomit for a short while and may cause some irritation to her mouth as well.  But she will live.  The vomiting continues too much longer and I will be calling the vet though.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I always think the same thing about chocolate and dogs. My dogs eat pounds of the stuff...