Friday, September 10, 2004

Long week

This whole week, I've been sick.  The only day I wasn't was Monday, my only day off.  My throat has yucky white spots on it and I'm coughing, runny nose.  I haven't wanted to go to work at all.  I have to work tomorrow too, it's my first Saturday.  Hopefully, it'll go by smoothly and we'll be out of there at 12:30.  That's probably dreaming though.  We have a dog at work that continues to try and bite me and the other new girl.  She's horrible.  Her parents are out of town for two weeks on their honeymoon and this dog wants nothing to do with us.  Thankfully, she has a cone around her neck to keep her from messing with her surgery wound and it makes it much harder for her to bite us.  We had a euthanasia today and afterwards they did the necropsy in the treatment room.  Anyone who wanted to watch, could as long as they weren't doing anything else.  I chose to just glance here and there.  I wanted to go to lunch and actually be able to eat my food.  Well, there's really not a whole lot new today.  I'm still not feeling well so I think I'll go lay down.


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweetie, I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to hope you are better....sending hugs

Anonymous said...

just checking in to see if you are okay?