Sunday, September 26, 2004


I'm having a small problem, maybe someone out there in journal land can help me.  I spent most of today searching for those old days plastic/vinyl slip covers for your couch.  Does anyone know where the hell I can find these things again without getting into my time machine and going back to the 70's to find them.  I don't care if I have to buy it online anymore.  When I first started looking for these things I figured I'd find them SOMEWHERE and that I wouldn't have to search the never ending internet but I was very obviously wrong.  So if any of you nice people out there could help me out I would absolutely love you forever!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if your a big Wal-Mart fan, but I've seen the clear plastic covers there. Other than that I suggest you go to Bed Bath and Beyond or some place similar to that. Good luck. ~Krista~

Anonymous said...

Well, I practically live at WalMart most of the week so, yeah I'd say I'm a fan.  That was one of the first places we looked.  I also went to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  They don't sell them either.  We went to tons of those places.  We ended up kind of making our own, white trash version.  It'll do for now but I'm still looking for those damned plastic covers!!!  It would just make clean up so much easier, i.e., a dog comes inside from being muddy and immediately jumps on the couch, cat gets a nasty hairball, cats decide to run the Indy 500 and knock over a pop, onto couch, ect., ect.  It was a good suggestion though!!!  ;)