Monday, August 1, 2005

Phone's were out

I haven't been online for a while because our phone lines got all messed up from one of the storms we had.  It took them SEVERAL days to fix it.  During that time, my grandpa went back into the hospital for kidney failure.  He was there for a week or so before they felt he was well enough to be released.  They did tons of tests and we never found out why.  It seems that generation doesn't think to ask why they're giving them shots and xrays.  He says they xrayed every joint in his body, did a endoscopy and another test to check something they found in his spine.  He's home now.  I'm hoping to go over there this afternoon if Shawn gets home at a decent time. 

Jasmine gets bigger every hour it seems.  She's still staying up till all hours of the night.  I never had a problem staying up all night till I had a baby and then I'm sitting there begging her to fall asleep already. 

Me and Shawn will be having a cookout the middle of August.  It's gotten pretty expensive.  What originally was supposed to be family only has become a big to do and bonfire.  Hopefully it doesn't rain.

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