Tuesday, August 2, 2005

A small victory

Shhhhhhh.  I FINALLY got Jasmine to fall asleep on her own in her bassinet!  I have to make sure the pacifier stays in her mouth but it's worth it.  She has yet to fall asleep in her crib and when I put her in it already asleep, she rarely stays that way.  The longest she's slept in it is 3 hours.  I know I shouldn't but I'm tiptoeing through the house.  Had she fallen sleep with her dad or in her swing I would carry on as normal but for her to sleep in the bassinet is a miracle in itself.  I know within an hour she'll be awake again though.  We have to make very tiny steps forward with her sleeping habits.  Everynight she still sleeps with either myself or Shawn.  Part of me will welcome the day when she sleeps in her crib on her own and the other part of me wants to prolong it for my own selfish reasons.  I like waking up BEFORE she's screaming for a bottle, I like being able to look over and know that she's still breathing without having to walk across the house.  I don't like sleeping in uncomfortable positions and I miss my bed.  I'm already worried about her using a pacifier.  I'm seeing a year from now the fight I'll have to go through to get it away from her and the tantrums I'm sure she'll throw night after night. 

Shawn got her name tattooed on his arm under where my name is on Saturday.  I thought it would be interesting to watch it get done but it was just really boring.  I'm glad I'll have more people with me when I get mine done because I'll have someone to talk to since mine will take so much longer than Shawn's did. 

We've got some sick cats right now.  One has an upper respiratory infection and I'm not sure what's wrong with the other cat.  (Libby has the infection and Mink I'm not sure about) Mink has been losing weight over the past few weeks which I think is because she wasn't able to get to the cat food anymore.  She's covered in fleas and it doesn't seem to matter what I do to get rid of them.  I've done the same things to her that I did for the other cats and her fleas remain while the others haven't.  She's also laying down when she has to pee and then she cries while she's doing it like it's painful.  I'm worried that it's the beginningof kidney failure.  Both cats are on antibiotics and I'm hoping that both problems clear up with that and canned food. 

My mom came home today and told me that one of her friends is pregnant again.  This will be her third pregnancy.  The first two ended with miscarriage.  I really hope this one makes it.  I don't know if she can take another miscarriage.  She's said several times that she won't try again if she miscarries again.  She gives herself several shots of heprin a day to thin her blood.  (her body overclots and when she would get pregnant, she would get blood clots in her placents, cutting off the life supply to the fetus) If she carries to term, whether she has a boy or a girl, I'll have plenty of clothes to give to her.

Well, I'd better start on dinner and tiptoe into the other room to see if she's actually still sleeping or staring at the ceiling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daughters still sleep with me :-).