Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Eye" Faint

*Gasp*  I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted anything on here!!  We've all been sick on and off this month so nothing terribly exciting has happened.   

I had an eye exam today so I could get a prescription for  glasses and contacts.  This wasn't the first one I've ever had so I knew what to expect.  The tech put numbing drops in my eyes and then proceded to take the pressure in my eye.  As soon as that thing touched my eye, I felt like I was going to pass out.  Normally, I can feel it coming on but not this time.  They had a nurse come and take my blood pressure... it was 78 over 36.  My husband said he's seen animals on the side of the road with a better pb.  I got to sit there forever even though I kept telling them I was fine.  The doc says it happens a lot more than you would think.  She says some people just have really sensitive eyes and as soon as they try to take the pressure in the eyeball, it causes and immediate drop in blood pressure.  Wonderful, another thing that makes me pass out.  My eyes are -150.  That's a lot worse than they were the last time I had an eye exam. (at least 8 years ago)

I think Jasmine has a cold.  She's had a fever for a few days.  It hasn't went over 100.1 and she hasn't seemed too uncomfortable except at night while she tries to sleep.  She woke up about every half hour last night.  In other words, I woke up every half hour with her.  Hopefully, it's just a little cold and nothing more.  The last few days she's started to walk down the table while she's holding on.  She went right from crawling to trying to walk around.  Before long I'll been running after her through the house.

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