Tuesday, February 7, 2006


One of my wisdom teeth, that I thought was almost all the way in, has started to move more.  It's trying to grow into my jaw bone.  I've had a pretty steady headache only on the left side of my head for a few days now.  It hurts to swallow, eat, talk, brush my teeth, everything.  I have a dentist appointment but it's not till the end of the month.  If it gets too much worse, I may have to call them back.  We're waiting till we have profit sharing so I know I can have them do whatever the insurance won't cover.  I have at least three cavities (the first I've had since I got my "adult" teeth) and then I think all these wisdom teeth are going to have to be pulled.  At least the vertigo seems to be gone now.

Me and Shawn have to go to our friend Don and Channon's house tonight for a little while to babysit their kids.  I'm not real big on babysitting but they really need us to.  He's got a job interview and she has to work.  I just hope their little boy (2 years) doesn't try to beat up Jasmine.  He's kind of a mean little boy.  He's at that age where he tries to hit everyone. 

Jasmine has learned how to crawl... backwards.  She hasn't gotten the hang of going forward yet.  I think the only reason she gets anywhere is because when she gets on her stomach, she tries to sit up, therefore going backward. 

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