Thursday, February 2, 2006

The race card

Ok, I'm going to be one of the few white people (NON-racist white people) to say what everyone else is thinking.  Why is it that a black person can miss work constantly, screw up their job repeatedly, and do just about everything you can imagine that would normally get them fired but they get to keep their jobs.  I think it's ridiculous.  I'm so damned sick of the "is it because i'm black" BS.  I was raised to never be racist.  There's no reason for it.  No one has a choice as to what color they are born.  But goddamn it I'm getting sick of this crap.  Why is it that no one says anything?  Why are we so scared what the black guy sitting next to us is going to think if we stand-up and say something.  I've known plenty of black people that will say the exact same things I'm saying here.  And I know some of them who couldn't tell you where the underground railroad went through if you paid them.  Jews were slaughtered by the thousands in the Holocaust.  Do you hear them saying, 'is it because i'm a jew?'  Whites slaughtered native americans, gave them awful diseaes and stole every piece of viable land they had.  Once again, do you hear 'is it because i'm native american?'  The only minority out there that makes a huge deal of race is blacks.  If they didn't bring up the race card every time they didn't get their way, I seriously believe there would be less racist people out there.  By bringing the issue up at every chance, you give racist people all the more reasons to say well that's why I can't stand blacks.  AND they use the N-word to describe each other at any given moment.  I have never in my life, uttered that word.  It's just the way I was brought up.  But I will stand up for what I believe is wrong.  And quite frankly playing the race card is wrong.  Everyone who does it, knows it's wrong.  But they're too lazy to give a shit.  This is the very reason why I could never work in a large facility.  I can't keep my mouth shut.  I would say something and get called a racist, even though I'm not.  If you say anything at all, that's what you're labeled.  My husband brought up this very subject at work once and he was called a racist.  He's not the average white guy, he's Mexican.  He knows that if he put that he was latino on a jobapplication that he'd have a better chance of getting the job but he's always put caucasian.  Why should anyone get an advantage in life because of the color of their skin?  More and more, it seems like anyone who ISN'T black are the people that are getting the short end of the stick anymore.  I never enslaved anyone.  I never agreed with it.  Why should I pay for something I had no part in creating?  And just to clarify, I'm not saying every black person plays the race card or does shit like that at work.  But there is a large handful that do.  A part of me doesn't even want to post this because I can only imagine the backlash I'll receive but if I don't, who will?  Like my brother says, I'm only racist towards stupid people, no matter the color of their skin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could not have said it better... I agree with you 100%