Friday, July 13, 2007

And it all goes down hill

I spent last evening at the emergency vet clinic.  Our puppy, Rodeo was severely lethargic and bleeding from his mouth when I came home.  Not wanting to lose another baby, we chose to take our chance on it being nothing and take him to the vet. (which is a TON more expensive than your regular vet)  I was shaking and crying most of the way there.  They are a little over 30 minutes from my house.  I felt like he was getting worse every minute.  When we got there they took his temp and it was a very high 105. (norm is 102.3) He was hooked up to fluids. (250 cc) Given a penicillin shot and given pain medicine.  He has an abscess at the back of his mouth (where he has yet to even have teeth) from something poking him, possibly a stick.  (it was a nasty puncture) We brought him home with instructions to take him to our regular vet in the morning.  He slept with me in the bed all night.  He never moved except to occasionally lift his head.  Keep in mind this is an Australian Shepherd.  A very high energy breed.  So for him to be lethargic at all is disturbing.  In the morning Shawn gave him his med's and took him to the vet.  They just gave us more med's for when these run out and he needs to be brought back after they're gone to be sure the problem has been taken care of.  You can see the swelling in his face it's so bad.  He's only eaten a small amount of canned dog food in 48 hours.  He's hungry but it's just too painful for him to chew.  It was weird, he was fine when we left and then when we got back it was REALLY bad.  My poor boy. 

This morning I received a phone call from a friend whose dog has been severely ill for over a week and she was calling to tell me they had to have the dog put down.  Aysia was a good dog and there are many stories that could be told about various things they destroyed.  One night they came home and thought their house had been robbed and were preparing to call the police when they caught Aysia from the corner of their eye looking guilty.  I'm sure at the time they were super pissed but now it's things to look back on.  She got the absolute best care and they did everything they possibly could to save her life.  I hope she and August are off somewhere playing in a meadow field, chasing butterflies together.  Our dogs leave permanent paw marks on our hearts.  Each one different but each just as loved.

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