Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wow, just wow

Where do I even begin.  I was doing a search for zoo's in Chicago.  We're going with my dad to Shedd aquarium and Brookfield zoo on Monday so I thought I'd check some things out.  The first thing that comes up on my search is a movie.  It's called Zoo and it was a 2007 movie.  Obviously, I'm thinking it's something pertaining to zoos.  I decide to check it out.  Wow.  I thought I lived in an effed up world but now I'm sure of it.  It was a documentary about a guy who died from having sex with a horse.  They made this movie seem glorified.  These "people" are known as zoophiles.  They feel like they can have true love feelings between them and said animal.  As in, the animal returns the love as a mate would.  And usually these people have various sex acts with these animals.  They feel this should be considered a sexual orientation and not as freaks.  Uh, sexual orientation is straight or gay.  The END.  For christ sake, even in the SATANIC BIBLE it says that animals and children are to be considered sacred and NEVER to be harmed in a physical, sexual, mental way.  The following is a DIRECT quote from the satanic church... The Satanic Bible states (p.66) that animals and children are treated as sacred as they are regarded as the most natural expression of life.  Come on now, even Satan says no.  You know your morals are effed then.  There's so much that bothers me about this "secret society" that I don't think I could ever put everything into words.  I love my animals.  I think animals are graceful, beautiful and wonderful.  I feel they give me genuine love.  I do not however think my cats ass looks sexy with that haircut!  At times I feel a spiritual connection with animals and feel they can read my feelings (particularly horses) on a deeper level than a human ever could.  I have never, however, patted one of the horses on the rump and thought mmmmhmmmm.  I like horses with big asses.... because the ride is usually more comfortable!  This is just wrong on so many different levels.  And with all this being said, they still call some of the acts of so called zoophiles, sadistic.... uhm, didn't you hear Satan's says mooooo means no.  Zoophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Anonymous said...

And here I thought I had lived a rather wild life. This lifestyle choice is beyond me. As you are, I have come to love my animals on a spiritual level. I have a working dog that is my ears since I have become deaf. I'm with you all the way on your thinking about this. To me this is right up there with animal cruelty and abuse. Nothing is normal or right about this. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

This totally blows my mind - I know we have had cases around here once in awhile when a person was arrested for such deviate behavior but I had NO IDEA this was a subculture! I am almost at a loss for words.   Man, people are just sick, you are right about the world be effed up and the fact that Satan says NO......says it all.  Thanks for sharing this, it is new to me.

Anonymous said...

OH>>>MY>>>GAWD>>>I will have to look this up!