Friday, July 20, 2007


Finally, some good news.  Rocky will be coming home tomorrow.  He must have really made some strides over night because yesterday, our vet sounded doubtful that he would be home before next weekend.  He will be on a mild diet of a/d science diet food for a while till his stomach settles down but sounds like he'll be ok. 

I've been having a lot of back pain today.  I severely want to take an Ultram but don't like the way they make me feel.  I don't want to become dependent on a drug till whatever this is goes away.  My best friend is in constant pain every day from RSD, I think I can deal with a little back pain.  I hate being in pain.  I hate having other people do things for me.  I just want my doctor to call me with an appointment time.  If I don't hear anything on Monday, I'll be calling them because I know how they can get about scheduling with other doctors.  I just want to know what's going on and figure out where to go from there.  I can deal with whatever it is, I can't deal with the not knowing.  I tried a heating pad today and it did nothing for me.  On a brighter note, I haven't lost any weight in the three weeks that I've been practically starving myself and working out so I said screw it and ate a pound of chocolate yesterday.  =) Maybe that's not a great thing but it sure felt like a great thing.  I want to buy some stuff to make my awesome chocolate chip cookies this week.  I haven't had ANY since the last time I was at the doctor because I was so upset with my weight. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well this is great news about Rocky!!  I'm so happy he's coming home and I bet he will be one happy boy too.  You found the best medicine....chocolate!  Try not to worry yourself sick and I hope your pain is at least more tolerable if it can't be relieved right now.  Keep us posted.