Friday, July 20, 2007

Woe is me

For the past year I have been having urinary tract... issues.  It's difficult for me to start peeing and it takes what seems like an eternity and then it's hard for me to keep going.  I went to the doctor for it less than a year ago because I was having constant cramps.  Nothing was found on ultrasound and the next step was exploratory surgery... IF I continued to have pain.  I decided it didn't hurt that bad.  As time went on, things kept getting worse, to the point that it would take from 30 seconds to 3 minutes for me to start going.  If something isn't REALLY bothering me, I will put off going to the doctor and being used as a pin cushionStubbornness runs in my family.  ; )  I finally went to the doctor for this three weeks ago.  I was given antibiotics and sent home.  I finished the medicine and noticed little if any difference.  Within the last week, I have started having pain in the lower part of my abdomen on the right side.  Pain that was so severe last night that it dropped me to my knees and left me laying on the floor of the hallway.  When I went to pee last night I had shooting pain from that spot through my back.  I decided that enough was enough and I needed to make another appointment.  They got me in today by 3.  One of the last things I wanted to happen with my doctor, happened.  He saw me naked from the waist down.  Now I know, he's a doctor, he's professional.  But I've been seeing him since I was a kid and feel more like he's a favorite uncle than my doctor.  So dropping trowel in front of him was not my idea of a great day.  He felt my ovaries and said it's possible that I have a cyst but didn't feel any masses that would immediately indicate cancer.  At this point, he's contacting my OB-GYN (who is just one floor below him) and they will decide together what steps are needed from here.  For now I'm on a narcotic called Ultram.  Today was the first time I have EVER taken a prescription pain killer.  All I can think at this point is what's next?  I'm not that worried about cancer or surgery at this point.  I just want the pain gone so I can move on.  I would like to be pain free for the first week of August as we are having a party and going to both Indianapolis and Chicago that week.  I would prefer not to be stoned out of my mind while doing those things.  (the Ultram makes me feel... odd) For now, I'm just waiting for a call back about another appointment.  And probably another pelvic ultrasound. 

Rocky is STILL in the hospital.  He's been there since last Saturday.  He hasn't improved very much.  He will be there till at the earliest, middle to end of next week.  The vet sounds like he'll probably be there longer.  The idea of the vet bill makes my stomach turn.  My husband and I discussed it and decided that if we could go back to the first day, we wouldn't have done anything differently.  But it's just so hard to stomach the bill.  AND we figured out that just two nights in the ER cost more than an entire week at our regular vet, where he is receiving 24 hour care.  With the money we have spent on this dog in a week, we could have literally went to Disney world and stayed IN the park for a week.  LITERALLY. 


Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my Prayer's regarding your health.  I am so sorry to hear Rocky is still in the hospital - I really hope he makes a full recovery.  I know where you are coming from about the vet bills.  You are doing what you feel is right and I applaud you for that.  I hope things start looking up for you soon.

Anonymous said...

There are times we all go through when it seems as though we are being assaulted by all of  the bad things Life can hold at one time......these are trying times, to be sure....but please take comfort in knowing people care about you and pray for good outcomes in all of your trials.
You, your husband, Rocky, and all your critters are in my thoughts and prayers.  Carole from WWbison

Anonymous said...

sending good thoughts and prayers your way

Anonymous said...

Came here by way ot the bison journal (great lady) to wish you well with your health problems. Paula