Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Subject's Suck Sometimes

Ah ha, I updated more than once in a week.  ; )  Today was pretty boring.  We removed a tumore from a gerbil.  Price of a gerbil: five dollars... Price of gerbil tumor removal: 300 dollars, watching as the surgery takes less than ten minutes: priceless.  I can see already that I'm going to be butting heads with a few of the girls that work there.  One of them is a vet that almost everyone doesn't like and avoids working with.  Yesterday, one of our vet tech's got a call at work that her brother-in-law had attempted suicide the night before.  He's ok and everything.  Today she was in Chicago with her family and BIL.  While she was away, said vet decided to make fun of the, and I quote, "pyscho."  Some of you, if not all, know that several years ago, my best friend actually commited suicide so joking about it and making fun of someone who attempts it, is not a bright idea around me.  I kept my mouth shut but now I wish I'd have bitched her out.  The way our clinic works, there's no one person that can fire you, it's a commitee of people and this vet isn't on the commitee.  There's also a lot of behind the back shit talking about my friend.  I've only been there three weeks so I don't know whether I should say anything to her about it or not.  I know the things the girl is saying aren't true but I don't know if everyone else does or not and if they don't know, then I think Kim has a right to set them straight.  We're supposed to use our "mentor's" for this stuff but I'm not a two year old and I think I can handle my problems on my own.  I don't like the girl that started on Monday at ALL.  I worked ward this morning, she worked it yesterday, so I was the first one to see all the mistakes and half-assed work she did.  The biggest thing, she almost burned down the hospital.  Now every idiot knows (unless it's male, they don't know anything usually) that you always empty the lint trap before using the dryer.  Well, she either was too lazy to do so or didn't know.  When I went to start the dryer this morning, I emptied the lint trap, only to find that it was so full that I could barely pull it out of the holder AND that it had a hole burned through the center of the lint.  BIG no-no.  I plan on saying something to Kim on Thursday.  It's not the hospital that I worry about, it burns down, we have insurance and can build a new one but when people's pets stay there overnight, it's very unlikely for them to survive a fire in the middle of the night.  No amount of money can replace a pet.  I could literally bitch about some of the women I work with for hours.  I try not to think about it too much while I'm at work, that way I don't hate my job because of them or kill them.  But I've already started getting short with one of them so I'm sure we'll get into it soon and have to have a talk with the mentor's and talk about our "feelings" in a "non-threatening" manner.  Right, that always works.  Well, I'm going to finish up stuff around here.  Tomorrow is Shawn's birthday and also my first payday.  Woohoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about the insensitive comments. I've lost people to suicide , too. It is agonizing.  I was tickled to hear about the gerbil, though. We now have 18 of them.