Friday, November 3, 2006

The usual

So much for sleep... so much for flu shots.  Things were going pretty normally last night.  Well, for us.  Jasmine usually starts to get ready for bed around 4-5am.  Yes, I said BED at 4 in the morning.  I'm a night person, so she turned into a night baby.  I could tell she wasn't winding down as the night went on.  She wanted me to read goodnight moon to her over and over again.  Then she wanted me to read the runaway bunny AND goodnight moon at the SAME time.  Interesting.  She threw up a little bit early in the night.  More like baby spit up than throw up.  (she was never a baby who spit up by the way)  Then around 9am... when I was becoming quite exhausted... she threw up several times in the kitchen and decided to play in it... I was in my bedroom with the door open and wasn't immediately aware that she was doing anything unusually.  Today was the first time I cleaned up someone's vomit other than my own.  You don't realize how long the smell sticks around until it's NOT your vomit.  I might as well have been sprayed by a skunk.  She didn't seem to phased by any of it though.  Again, no fever, and wasn't acting like she was sick.  She finally fell asleep sometime around 10:30am.  I had called off going to the doctor by then to get my flu shot at 2pm.  There was no way I was getting out of bed with three hours of sleep just so I could get stuck by a needle and possibly pass out.  After we woke up, me and my mom went to Walmart and bought Over the Hedge and Milo and Otis.  Over the Hedge was a very cute movie, what I got to see of it anyways.  Jasmine is still enthralled with her magic ability to turn on and off the television.  She uses this talent mainly while watching movies. 

My dad is supposed to be coming over tomorrow.... at some point.  He bought us a cheap truck so that we have two vehicles and wants to drop it off on his way home from watervaliet, MI.  I have no idea when he's supposed to be here so I may or may not decide to stick around and wait for him. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shelby coughed until she vomited last night--twice--once in my hair and once on my have my sympathy....