Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Shawn and I are going to see STOMP tonight.  I've wanted to see it for years but have only recently talked my husband into being a little more cultural.  I would be more comfortable going in a long sleeve shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, at least physcially.  Mentally however, I would be critiquing my own outfit against those around me.  Normally, I don't care what others think of what I wear.  I'm fairly confident about myself and my appearance.  The only place I feel out of my element is at the theatre.  A few years ago, Shawn took me to see the orchestra on Valentine's day.  I had only been to the theatre on school trips at that time.  I had no idea what was expected of my attire.  I believe I wore jeans and a nice sweater.  After standing and waiting for the doors to open for about a half hour, a girl standing near me said I thought you were supposed to dress up for this thing.  I was mortified.  I felt like white trash.  I wanted to sink into a hole.  But I stuck it out and enjoyed the night a great deal.  I will never forget that girl's comment though.  (I'm not sure if it was about me or not but I FELT like it was) So I'll wear the stiletto's and the black pants if only a way to feel more comfortable before the lights go down for the show. 

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