Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Happy Holidays!!

Well, I've been a little busy lately.  Not with work though.  On the 28th I will be going to pick up my Senegal parrot in Michigan!!!  I can't wait!  She's going to be so spoiled.  My birthday is on the 27th so it's kind of like a birthday present to myself!  Yippy!

I've been sending out my xmas presents and buying the last minute presents as well.  The holidays are always a busy time.  We've been baking goodies to take over to friends houses.  Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, fudge and peanut butter balls.  Our house has smelled quite nicely this last week.  Tomorrow is going to be really busy.  It's Christmas Eve so of course, everyone wants us over.  I have things to do with my mom in the morning, shopping.  Then I have to run to my dad's to exchange gifts with him.  Run back home and have our xmas dinner.  I think we're trying to start a new tradition.  We never really had a tradition to begin with.  We're going to have dinner, ham, potatoes and rolls.  Then I am going to make my family famous milkshakes and we're all going to sit down and watch Rudolf and Frosty the snowman.  We'll see how long it takes before we're all fighting and slamming doors.  Knowing my family, it won't take us long. 

We did the gift exchange at the shelter.  We got in 3 new guinea pigs and tomorrow we're getting a little goat.  Sometime soon we'll be going to pick up a couple of horses as well.  We adopted out a mini horse and a goat last week.  It was sad knowing the horse was going.  He was everyone's little sweetheart. 

I found an ad in the paper for turkey's for sale.  I'd really like to buy two and keep them here at my home but no one likes that idea.  I really just want MY turkey back but that's not going to happen.  I'm determined to someday owning a couple of male turkeys.  They're such nice sweet boys.  I just wish people could see that here.  I miss my turk turk. 

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays. 

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