Friday, October 29, 2004


This will probably be a pretty short entry.  I'm not feeling real great today.  I'm still having the morning sickness.  I've decided that will never end.  LOL  I hope I'm feeling better this afternoon so I can go to the store without feeling like death.  I thought I was getting over this a few days ago.  I was feeling really good.  Had a little more energy and then poof, it's all gone and I'm back where I started. 

We had our furnance replaced a few days ago.  The guys said we had a gas leak from the water heater but they fixed it.  They were here all day.  When we all woke up the next morning, we were extremely sick, especially me and Shawn.  All we could smell was gas.  We called the furnance company and they said someone would be out shortly.  Well the guy find a small leak in the basement where they put the new pipes in, he fixed it and left.  Shawn went to go pay the car payment and I started to smell gas, yet again.  I called Shawn and had him come home to make sure I wasn't just smelling things.  (it's possible with my pregnancy LOL) He smelled it too.  It was coming from our oven.  This time we called the gas company AND the furnance company.  Nipsco came out and re-lite our pilot light in the oven.  We had asked the furnance guys TWICE if it needed to be re-lite since they turned off the gas and they said no because they hadn't turned off the gas to the oven.  Idiots.  I spent the rest of the day feeling like crap.  The next day we found my rabbit, Sage and one of the parakeets dead.  The guy that did the estimate is supposed to come out and "see how things went."  I'm going to tell him EXACTLY how it went.  Shawn even told them that I am pregnant and that's why we needed someone out for the gas leak immediately.  Well, I'm going to get off here and lay down for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lawsuit time to me, kiddo.