Friday, October 22, 2004

Just Whining

I've decided I AM NOT made to be pregnant.  Either I've got morning sickness and don't move off the couch or I feel totally depressed and don't move off the couch.  I just keep telling myself I'm almost to the second trimester, it'll all get better soon... only to get worse again.  I was supposed to make my OB appointment yesterday but since I couldn't sleep the night before, I didn't get up today until the office was closed.  Soooooo, I suppose I'll call them this morning since I'm sure to be awake.  I never feel like I get to see Shawn anymore.  This entire week I've been on the couch.  I was able to sleep in our bed maybe one night.  Plus, he keeps taking one of his friends home from work (his car is broken down so my BF goes and picks him... do  you think anyone would ever do that for us??) and it makes him get home all the much later than he usually does.  He's going onto first shift in a week.  That should be interesting.  I wanted him on first shift but not till the baby is born.  Since that isn't till May 26, he's a little early.  I just thought it would be nice if he was home during the day after the baby was born because I would have someone to help me.  I'm just really frustrated right now.  The animals are driving me crazy.  I haven't been able to take care of the litter boxes, which drives me crazy.  I like things done, when I want them done.  I don't like to wait for someone else to do it for me.  Plus, since I've been on the couch, Shawn's had to take care of my rabbits too.  I needed to get parakeet food LAST weekend and still haven't gotten it.  I'm definitely going this weekend.  They've got food but I don't like to be completely out.  Well, I'm going to go and pout for a while. 


Anonymous said...

Jamie...I haven't visited in a while!  So happy for you and the new little one!  You will have your hands full won't you!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

I think this feeling of being slightly out of control is common to all pregnant women.  WHat is happening to your body and your life now is overwhelming. Just relax as much as possible.