Thursday, June 1, 2006

A crazy week

Well, in the last week I've gotten a new tattoo (on the back on my neck) a drastic hair cut and a lip piercing.  The tattoo says Mei Amor in really pretty lettering.  It means my love in latin.  I got my hair cut just like Charlize Theron in Aeonflux.  I wasn't sure about it at first but now I love it.  Plus it shows off my new tattoo nicely.  I got the lip piercing today.  I almost chickened out.  After dinner I was full of courage though and made a trip to the piercer.  (Joel at Point Blank Tattoo and Piercing.... ) It really didn't hurt that bad.  I was scared it was going to hurt as badly as my tongue did but there was minimal pain.  The only time it really hurt was when the needle went through the outer layer of skin and when he put the jewelry through.  I really like it so far, aside from the fact that Jasmine has tried to rip it out twice in the few hours I've had it.  Speaking of Jasmine, her birthday is June 10th.  I can't believe she's almost a year old already.  It's just flown by.  It seems like just yesterday was my first exhausting day home from the hospital and everyone thought I was two minutes more of screaming baby away from snapping.  hehe 

House shopping isn't going as well as we hoped.  We've been told that we can't afford what we thought we could and that we need more money in the bank to get a halfway decent house payment.  Shawn is willing to go with a conventional loan and I would prefer an FHA.  An FHA loan is a little harder for us to get but I think it would be worth it in the long run if we did the work now, rather than get screwed over.  We found a house that we liked in Michigan but it turns out it's a manufactured house and we can't get approved for that.  It's too high risk of a loan or something and the house would only lose value the longer we owned it.  I'm sure things will work themselves out eventually. 

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