Saturday, December 30, 2006

That old sound

I think everyone has songs that remind them of sometime in their life.  Sometimes it's an entire genre of songs and bands.  Just about anything classic rock takes me back my childhood.  Not necessarily all good memories that come back but it still makes me a wee bit nostalgic.  Even if they weren't normally great times, it was still my childhood.  A lot of them bring back parties that my parents threw, 6 hour drives to visit relatives or just my dad sitting around listening to the radio.  And there are other things that it brings to mind but I don't want to dwell on the past all the time.  I'm trying to remember good times more and less bad times.  For some reason, no matter what memory a song invokes, I still miss that time in my life.  I guess you'll always long for your childhood back.  And as a child, you can't wait to get it over with.  My mom would always tell me as a kid that I shouldn't try and grow up too fast, enjoy being a kid and playing.  At the time I just assumed she was saying that because when you got older, you had bills to pay.  Now I realize there's this innocence when you're  a child that you can never get back.  Once it's gone, it's gone for good.  I wouldn't give up what I have now for anything but that doesn't mean that I don't occasionally want to go back to a time when things were simpler.

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