Friday, September 14, 2007

I had bad bad day

When your day just goes from bad to worse you can't help but wonder why you bothered to get out of bed in the first place.  Woke up way later than I would've liked to.  I decided to be nice and let Jasmine watch a dolphin show from sea world on  I left the room to talk on the phone with my mom.  When I returned to the room, she had taken off 85% of the keys on the keyboard.  Now if I had a regular computer I'd be like whatever not a big deal but I have a laptop and the keys can be difficult to get back on and then once they're on sometimes they're not positioned correctly.  (like my spacebar is now)  It took two hours to get them all back on.  Four of them were completely dismantled so I had to use a flashlight to put the very tiny pieces back together.  And then of course, there were a few that I put in the wrong place.  I realized about an hour before the pharmacy closed that I had a script to pick up.  I had to rush to the ATM (in a not so great neighborhood) and then get into CVS before they closed.  By then it was almost 10 and we still had not eaten for the day.  Only thing open was Hacienda so off we went.  That didn't go so bad.  I know every server and all the managers so it's more like visiting with friends than going out to eat.  Afterwards I had to go to Walmart to get some things.  No sooner do we round the corner to the pets section than Jasmine takes a hard fall on her face.  She's screaming, I'm by myself, hands full, flustered.  I'm thinking she's probably just bumped her head and she'll be fine.  Then she starts spitting blood everywhere.  Her top two teeth went threw part of her lip.  After getting her binky, she's fine but now that I'm sure I don't have to go to the ER, I become NOT fine.  This is the first time she's really hurt herself.  Sure she's fallen a million times but never to the point of that much blood.  I begin to feel very faint and hot.  The whole time I'm thinking oh hell no, not right now.  Thankfully, after a few minutes of not moving, it passes but now I'm shaking like I just got into a car accident.  The shaking continues for the next two hours.  Who knew I was such a wuss when it came to a little blood from my kid.  I took her to the toy department and bought some cheap toys.  We go home and I'm probably being a little more lenient than normal.  After getting out of the shower, I don't make her wear a diaper for a while.  If she has to pee, she typically tells me.  Not today.  She decided to go pee on as many things as she could in an hour span.  She peed on my bed, my clothes, my floor, the couch, her clothes and I'm sure a few other places I'm not aware of.  While I'm cleaning up that mess, she dumps all her books over the living room floor.  (she has a LOT) I'm finally sitting down to relax when I step into something warm and wet.  Great, now the dog has peed on the floor but not just in one spot.  She peed in the hallway, the living room and the kitchen.  I guess she didn't go when I let her out earlier.  Oh, I forgot.  (shocking since I can't stop smelling it and it's given me a migraine)  She got into some clear nail polish, managed to get the lid off and emptied it's contents into my bedroom.  I hate the smell of nail polish.  It makes me sick.  She finally fell asleep sometime after 4:30am.  If the terrible twos don't end soon I'm never going to want to have more kids.  If someone told me you only have 200 more days left, I could live with that.  Everyday I'd wake up and say only 199, 198, 197 left.  There'd be light at the end of the tunnel, an end to the constant no's, don't, stop. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, honey, it will get better...really...I promise...and most of us act that way about our own kid's blood.

Mandy once poked 200 holes in my waterbed...and the same day flushed a whole bunch of tampons down the toilet and blocked it and then the house flooded...

now it seems funny.