Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing Better Than Good Food

I love chocolate.  Unfortunately for me (and my husband's bank account) I don't care for what is traditionally sold in the united states.  Quite frankly, just about everything tastes better that hasn't come from the US.  The only chocolate sold commercially that I actually like in the US is the sympony bar sold by hersey's.  And is it actually a knock off of a european chocolate.  It should be no surprise that I've been looking into importing a few bars from overseas.  I found some that looked really yummy but it was 40 bucks for one bar of chocolate.  Not in this lifetime.  I'm actually at this moment sitting in bed devouring a 1/2 pound of a sympony bar with my daughter.  (yes unfurnately, it is her favorite as well)  At times like these I wish I was more adventurous with my palate.  But when I go out to eat, I like to LIKE my food and I'm always concerned that if I take a chance on some other dish that I've never had, I won't like it and I'll spend the evening annoyed and hungry.  We recently tried an Italian place that has the most wonderful Italian food I've ever eaten.  And guess what?  They immigrated here and make their food the same way that they would have back in Italy.  No wonder it tastes so much better than the crap at Olive Garden.  I've only had authentic Mexican food once and I swear it took a layer off my digestive system.  REAL nacho's are HOT.  I thought vodka packed a punch going down but it's got nothing on a plate of real nacho's.  There are many foods I will probably never try for personal reasons.  Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, those are unlikely to ever end up in my stomach or anything that closely resembles any of those.  I have issues with the way some of the countries produce and make their meals that I won't go into on this entry.  Mmmmm now I'm really getting hungry and Rocco's (the Italian place) closed almost two hours ago. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever I go out to eat with Doc. He always orders the same food he has had before and knows he likes. Me? I take chances and inevitably when Doc tries my food he is surprised and delighted that he likes mine better. I have joked with him that I should order for both of us. It's a hit and miss, you never know till you try it. I don't like franchises. I tend to go to the Old World Diners or Restaurants. Places I know use fresh ingredients and give your palate something to hunger for. (Hugs) Indigo