Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I started a pilates workout video today.  I thought I knew what I was getting into, having known a few poses and thinking they were fairly easy.  The video isn't that hard but my muscles are still shaking almost a half hour later.  Hopefully, they're doing something productive and not just whining about doing some work.

On Monday we headed to Turkey Run, just outside of Crawfordsville, IN.  It's a hiking/campground/Inn.  We used to go there often as kids.  It's a bit of a drive (little over 3 hours) so we haven't been in about four years.  We took the old favorite trail when we first got there.  (myself, Jasmine, my mom and brother)  Trail 3 is considered rugged.  And had we completely read the brochure before taking the trail, we would've realized it might not be the best trail to take a two year old on.  There are two very steep wood ladders.  Beneath/around said ladders is nothing.  There is a tiny cliff and then nothing.  I was terrified to carry Jasmine down.  I kept seeing myself falling, or dropping her somehow.  My brother went down in front of me, backwards to catch her if something happened.  I went down on my butt to try and keep my balance.  On the first ladder, you can't see that there is a second, steeper ladder just around the corner.  By the time we got down the first ladder, it was too late to turn back.  There was no going back up the way we came and no other choice but to go down.  (I will have pictures later) Again, my brother went first and I, second.  It was slow going.  I would move down a step and he would have to move his fingers so I didn't smash them and so on and so forth.  Thankfully, we made it down and afterwards, realized it was easier than it seemed.  Jasmine did really well.  She did a lot of the hiking on her own.  We typically take the most rugged trails and this time was no different.  (See you can STILL do things when you have small children) There were a few spots the first day that she asked to be carried.  (across the suspension bridge for example) She learned a lot and asked a lot of questions which we encouraged.  The second day was much of the same, minus the ladders.  It was a bit hotter the second day and everyone's muscles were sore from the first day.  Jasmine was noticeably slower in pace.  =)  Between the two days she saw very large caterpillars, two blue tailed lizards, squirrels in abundance, butterflies, two very large centipedes and chipmunks.  She also heard a woodpecker or two.  She stopped at various leaves, picked them up and said oooooh poor tree.  =) All in all it was a good trip, too bad it takes so long to get there.  This weekend we'll be back to Chicago for one more visit Brookfield Zoo. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How sweet!  Poor tree! What a compassionate baby!