Monday, July 19, 2004

Sorry, Been busy

Well, I quit Meijer the day after my last entry.  I put in an application at both Petco and an animal hospital in Mishawaka.  Petco is hiring part time and starts out at pretty decent money.  I had an interview a few days ago at Petco and am waiting for a call back for a second interview.  Nothing yet from the vet.  About a week ago, we had an accident.  One of the cats got attacked by the dogs.  It was one of those things where everyone thought someone else was with her and it ended up that no one was.  The cat comes home tomorrow but it'll be a long time before she's one hundred percent.  We have a vet bill that is in the 600's by now.  A lot of that is from the emergency vet clinic, where she stayed for twelve hours.  The rest of the time she's been down in Plymouth, with our regular vet.  There may be some nerve damage.  It's too soon to tell yet.  She's on some anti-inflammatory drugs for swelling in her spinal column.  She can't walk real well on her front legs, hopefully that will improve with time.  It's all a wait and see type of thing.  We may have to have one of her legs amputated if it never improves.  She's having the most problems with her right front.  She keeps trying to walk on her kitty ankle instead of her foot.  I've been spending a large amount of time waiting for the phone to ring each evening.  I'll just be glad to have her home tomorrow, where I can visibly see whether she's gaining progress or not.  She'll have to live in a dog crate for a while and then in a small room for another couple of weeks.  In six to eight weeks, she'll be back at the vet, where we'll decide where to go from there, meaning, she's fully recovered or there needs to be amputation of the right front.  Well, I'm going to get off of here.  Never know when the phone is going to ring and I'll be online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor kitty.  My female greyhound limps because her shoulder was broken in the starting gate.