Friday, July 2, 2004

Working Girl2

I, for some unknown reason, have days where I'm extremely emotional.  I don't know if it's the occasional lack of sleep or what.  Today is one of those days.  I keep feeling like I'm going to start crying for the dumbest reasons, which only makes me want to start laughing because I'm like, why the hell do I want to cry at that??  I only got two hours of sleep last night so that might have a little something to do with it. 

I have my first real work day tonight.  I go in at 3am and I'll be there till 11:30am.  After I get offline, I plan on sleeping the rest of the day.  My next day is Wednesday morning (Tuesday night), again at 3am.  I work three days next week, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Apparently, I was brought in to the bakery to take over for one of the girls that is moving to a new department.  I found that out when I went to cash my check last night.  One of the night shift girls told me that.  She's like, you must be the girl taking over bakery and I was like, I'm taking over what now??  Tonight and tomorrow morning should be interesting, especially since it's a holiday weekend.  I don't think I'll have to deal with many people or anything except on my way to and from the break room.  Since I get off early in the day, I won't get the rush of people that they'll see later on in the evening.  There's a part of me that wishes I'd have said that I couldn't work till next week but at least I'm getting the first day out of the way now.  Monday I'm going to try and make it to the BMV as soon as they open.  Sheesh, I just got to thinking about the next few weeks and my sleep schedule.  Tomorrow, we have a lot of shit to do.  Keep in mind, I'll be getting off work at 11am and will have had "no sleep." And then in the evening we were planning on going to Paul's or to a race up in Michigan.  Sunday, obviously, 4th of July.  Monday, the BMV and whatever else happens to come up.  Tuesday, me, my brother, my mom, my brother's gf and my bf are all going to Porter, Indiana to a water park.  And then I have three days of work.  It's going to be a busier than usual week for me.  Well, I'm going to go take my all day nap.  I'll write again when I have the energy to do so.  LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might want to mark on your calender when those extremely emotional days occur and see if there is a pattern. I cry a lot around the time I ovulate.